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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ It couldn't have been more fun













For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

32 Live It or Love It:

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Lovely! I really like this set. She has a wonderful smile but I also like her without one too. So beautiful!

Autumn said...

You have the best ideas for portrait shots... well that and your subject here couldn't be any more gorgeous. :) I love this set too. Where on earth did you get those dresses?

NickTay said...

Wow! Your shots are amazing! Great composition and beautiful model :)

Christina said...

Goodness! How many hundreds of pictures did you and she take?!?! Wow, she just gets more stunning with each post.

Not Afraid to Use It said...

I love the blue and bright yellow together. Very Swedish! :)

Marcelle said...

As I said before...model is beautiful, setting is stunning and it looks like a magazine shoot...well the blue door!!

Americanising Desi said...

i love each and every one of it :)

Peace in Disturbance

Janet said...

Stunning portfolio you're building for her! Lovely photographs as usual! :)

CaseyDeuce said...

These are gorgeous! I love that dress and I wish I was photogenic like that!! Happy WW!!

Shop with Me Mama said...

Oh my! Those are beautiful pictures! Happy WW :)

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Shes' very photogenic, I'm thinking top model here Happy WW

Kailani said...

What beautiful photos! Love the smile!

An Island Life

Marites said...

she's pretty and the photos are really great. nice smile! my WW is up too.

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful pictures !

Sara Elizabeth said...

What beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. Happy WW!

Aspiemom said...

Very beautiful! I love the setting of the dressed up beautiful lady against the old "rough" house. Perfect!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. Love the composition.

MadeInCanarias said...

Great colours! Love the dress.

Cynthia said...

OK great pictures...but I am LOVING that dress!

Bryce's momma said...

Great job! I love these too! Madame Sass is a great model! I love the contrast of her dress with the door and the whole "new and old" thing. I also like your frame of her face with the wire. Nice ones Corey!

Susie said...

She is just breathtaking!! I love the colors and everything about those pictures!! Just stunning:-)

kayerj said...

sweet pictures, Here’s my WW hope you can stop by!

Southern Bella's Big Daddy said...

Beautiful! Happy WW!

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos said...

She is SUCH a beautiful girl! :) GREAT captures also - you're very talented!!

Ayie said...

very nice composition! nice shots and the model was very easy on cam!

happy WW!

Tanya said...

OMG Corey these are fantastic!! You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had only/10 of your talent! My fave is te fence one!

Chris said...

The contrasting colors here are so eye popping!

Alice said...

beautiful lady, great p hotos! i love the ones with the wire fencing - really cool :)

Shannon said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE EVERY one of these shots! WOW!

secret agent mama said...

I saw them on Flickr and was BLOWN. AWAY.

This whole set is just remarkable, Corey.

Tracy said...

Those are beautiful!

Honey Mommy said...

Great set of photos! Love the dress... the second photo is my favorite.

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