Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Week 60
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I'm so Thankful For......
-My wonderful and supportive parents.
-Sugar Bear's friends. They are such a darling group of children.
-Pumpkin Butter Cake.
-The roof over my head.
-My husband. We've been together almost 22 years, and he still likes me. ♥
-A flexible job, so that I might put my family first.
-Co-working friends that make me laugh.
-A big Strong Beefy diesel truck that never fails to keep us safe on our daily commute.
-My health.
-The most amazing Daughter the world has ever seen. ♥ ♥ ♥
-New friends.
-Old friends.
-The library.....books are such a huge part of my life.
-The ability to try new things.
-Always having enough......enough of anything.
-My desire to always be present.
-Frozen Blueberries. :)
-People who put up with me, and all my weirdo-ness! (yes, that is a word.)
-My desire and ability to make people laugh.
-Clean, drinkable water every single day.
-My daughter's health!!!! Such a blessing.
-The Hubby's job that gives me a sense of purpose and gives us so many opportunities.
-Sugar Bear's school. She loves it.
-My kitty....my doggy....the bunnies!
-Living somewhere that I feel is safe.
-Everyone that makes me feel loved.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Life is Good!
Monday, November 21, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Forty-seven
52 Weeks of ME- Week Forty-six
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Week 59
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Week 58
Labels: Discovering Corey, My Week, Nature