Do me a favor.......take just a minute to glance at this little shot of the Sug. Somewhere in this photo you will find something that MOST people just don't know. Something I've never mentioned before....something special.
Go on...take a look!

The FIRST person to correctly guess what I'm referring to will get a little prize.
You can guess as many times as you'd like. NO answer is too stupid.....well....I can't promise that OTHER people won't laugh, but I'll maintain my composure. I PROMISE!
Have fun!
Go on...take a look!

The FIRST person to correctly guess what I'm referring to will get a little prize.
You can guess as many times as you'd like. NO answer is too stupid.....well....I can't promise that OTHER people won't laugh, but I'll maintain my composure. I PROMISE!
Have fun!
Can't wait to hear the guesses!
22 Live It or Love It:
Oh yikes I didn't want to comment first. I'm going to let other people guess first. If no one says what I'm thinking after a few I'll come back. :)
That she's wearing the very same shirt Nadia is wearing today??? :o)
Or, that your home looks for very warm and welcoming?
I'll have to come back and look some more when I have more time.
Is her hand a Turkey being created into a turkey?
I hope that is it.
ok my post did not make sense.
I meant to say,
Is she creating a turkey on her hand?
The brown is the body and her other four fingers are going to be the tail feathers.
Suger is a thumb sucker....My little girl has the "thumb" hand.
sigh... i've been looking for hours and all i can think is she's fingerpainting and you don't have layers of protective plastic and baby wipes everywhere?!
oh wait, she's left handed maybe??!
well she's writing with her right hand on the post before - dang. maybe she is ambidexterous??! ok i give up :)
I think maybe she is double jointed..her thumb looks like it can "pop" out of the socket?
..second guess would be as inky said...could be that she is left handed?
Of course it could be just that she is overall special...LOL
OK..I just read some older blogs as I have been on vacation..and Sug appears to write with her right
she is not left handed...
I'm sticking with double jointed LOL
...or again with Inky...ambidexterous
COME ON!!!..tell us!!! LOL
Sugar does not like her fingers to get painted ?
is that a cast iron wood fire stove?
tee hee...this is fun. :) Someone has guess correctly, but I'm not ready to tell....yet! I'll be back with the answer......soon. :)
I was thinking that she's coming up on her 5th birthday...well, in awhile, but I guess it's already be guessed. Must be the thumb sucking.
she has a double jointed thumb??
hmmmmmmmmmmm, i feel like i know everything there is to know about Sug, and I have no idea here! can't wait to hear . . .
Not a clue but I can't wait to find out the answer!
Ok I'm back and happy to see someone guessed what I was going to say. That Miss Sugar is left handed or ambidextrous.
I have no idea if this is true or not but I'm so excited to find out!
...a south paw???
Definitely DOUBLE JOINTED - anyway her joint is about ready to pop through the lens!!!!! I WIN! haha
I am sure that a childs little hand makes a perfect little TURKEY painting!!!!!
I didn't read any of the other answers (I'm trying really hard to keep my eyes on the right side of the screen right but my guess is that Sugar Bear is left handed.
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