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For a list of books I read from 9/14/09 until 9/14/10 go
HERE!For a list of books I read from 9/14/10 until 9/14/11 go
HERE!For a list of books I read from 9/14/11 until 9/14/12 go
HERE!Books starting 9/14/12
“Monsters of Men” by Patrick Ness
“Gregor and The Prophecy of Bane” by Suzanne Collins
21 Live It or Love It:
She is lovely!
How in the world did you ever choose?!
Look at Sugar Bear! No wrong answer on that list...which one are you going with?
I must assume that choosing a Christmas card photo is absolutely the hardest thing you have to do each year. I have about 3 viable pictures to choose from; you have about 10,000!
Great portraits! Have fun selecting only one for the postcard!
I did a photo-shoot for some friends of mine the other day, and they're gonna have the same problem. How do you narrow all the great photos down to only one?!
she is so pretty!
perfect, perfect!
have a great Wednesday!
Come see my Wednesday moment if you have the time!
life's beautiful!
~fickle in pink
You are going to post a Tell it Thursday tomorrow, right??! I HAVE to see the final result! She is such a doll, and she clearly loves to pose right now! Her feet in all these photos just crack me up. Her smile would melt anyone's heart. Oh, and I haven't even thought about Christmas cards. It's not happening this year. Sigh
They are all so gorgeous! And perfect shots.
It looks like you both had a ball taking them!
Every single one is beautiful!
They are all adorable! You could do my Christmas card photos any time!
She is so beautiful! I just love the cute bow!
I'm so pleased I dont have to chose from this bunch of photo's - they are all magnificent - I do love one of them more but not going to mention which one as its too hard when there are so many that are as good or better, but that one got my heart strings...
How did you pick? They are all so lovely.
Those are simply adorable! :) What a great lil model you have there! Happy WW!
She is growing up to be a beautiful little lady! Great photos. Wish you lived close so I could hire you to take some of my kids. :)
gosh if you are letting us to choose from those photos, you are giving us a headache! those are all lovely! shes soooo cute!
u may view mine here
Got my card in the mail yesterday so I don't have to wait until tomorrow to find out! LOL I can see why you had a hard time choosing. They are all great pictures. In the first one she looks so much older!
what a gorgeous,gorgeous child! and I LOVE that dress!!!!
She is beautiful and you are talented
Beautiful as always! I love #7 from the top or #2 from the bottom. :)
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