Saturday, December 31, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week 52 and BIG NEWS....don't miss it!
Here it is........the 52nd photo of ME for 2011.
This pictures my little Sugar Bear and I standing on top of the world. Or at least it felt like it. This was taken on the day after Christmas while we took a four wheeler ride around my parents farm. My Dad could resist taking us up to the top of the hill to snap a shot. It was a great afternoon. Nothing makes you feel more blessed than time with your family AND nature. Gosh we are so lucky to live in such a spectacular place.
I am so very grateful to both Jessie and Cara for coaxing me into this "52 weeks of me" project. I started out the year feeling less than thrilled with the idea of posting so many photos of myself online, but man oh man....did I get used to it. I shocked myself....and many other folks with some of my shots. I feel like this project gave me permission to love myself. It helped me accept me as I am and realize that Sugar deserves to have her mama's documented right along side hers.
Recently, Jessie asked if I'd be interested in hosting the "52 weeks of Me" project for 2012. I scoffed at the thought at first....but I think I have come around to the idea. I know that it seems so daunting for some many of you to jump into a project like this, but why not give it a go? There will be NO rules. NONE. I'll provide some themes for those that feel like it helps, but there is no obligation to stick to the theme. You can take the photo yourself, or a loved one can help. I just feel that the main object is to be present. You deserve it....your kids deserve it. It just might change the way you feel about yourself. You'll never know unless you try. So why not......give it a go. You can do it.
I'll be posting my first shot of 2012 by Sunday the 8th of January. I'll have a linky up for you to join in. I also hope to have a flickr group available for those that do not have blogs. If you have any ideas, concerns or questions, please feel free to ask. I'm not entirely sure I have thought of everything.
The first theme will be: NEW
Remember...you don't have to fit the theme, if you don't want to. I am so looking forward to seeing all the photos of YOU. Please spread the word. Even if you aren't thinking of playing along, but you might know someone who would be interested. The more the merrier.
Sorry if the "BIG NEWS" in the title fooled you, but I really wanted folks to read this one. tee hee....I'm totally sneaky like that.
52 Weeks of ME- Weeks 50 and 51
Okay.....so you probably think I have not only given up on my "52 weeks of me" project, but my blog altogether. But......
I have not.
I've just been preoccupied with life. I'm still game though. Taking the photos....but being quite lame at posting. OOPS! Here are two photos to get me all caught up. After this....I'll have one more to post to finish out this project.
Week 50.......again. I cheated, but I continue to feel okay about that. I think the main reason for doing this project (for me) is to be more present in the photos of our life. It doesn't matter if I took it of myself...or if Sugar Bear snapped it for me. I'm still there...up front and present. Here I'm sewing. Actually, I'm doing some MAD last minute Christmas present sewing. I rock the last minute sewing. :) Even in my jammies.
Week 51 found me being a goof ball with our wreath. We bought it from Sugar Bear's school as a fund raiser. I do love a pretty wreath. I love that it lasts for a long time past the holidays as well. I'm the dork with the wreath still up at Easter. :)
Stay tuned for the final shot for 2011.....and a bit of news.
Monday, December 19, 2011
My Week 63
December 5th was quite a day. I'm not certain if I have shared here on the blog some of the trouble we started having with Tiny, our mini horse, this summer. She is in the process of becoming a mare, and she has been a bit of a stinker about it. She wanted to be the boss of the yard, and took to really being a bully to Sugar Bear. There was even a biting incident that ended with Sugar being really afraid of Tiny. We made the hard decision to give her to a new home. We didn't have the time to give her what she needed, and she was really lonely. On this day, they came to get her, and took her to her happy new home. She has horse friends and is feeling so much happier. We are relieved to have our yard back, and Sugar feels safe.
December 6th found us at home in the afternoon, as Sugar Bear had a mild cold which led to a low grade fever. Since we were home, I figured I make the most of it, and go out and take some snaps of the frosty world around us. We have been having some really cold cold cold nights and days. It has been so unusual for us. I love this strange ice formations I found in some loose dirt.
December 7th was a day at home, as Sugar still had her fever. We had to make a quick trip into my work, but then spent the rest of the day relaxing. I did some knitting. Sugar Bear grabbed this shot of my hands for my 52 weeks of me project. I'm a week behind in this project and feeling icky about it. I am almost done. I can't quit now. Argh. I am, however, excited about this knitting project. It is a gorgeous scarf for......ME! :)
December 8th found Sugar Bear still a bit under the weather. I had so much work piling up at work, so I left the Sugar home with The Hubby for half the day while I tried to hammer out some paperwork. When I got home, we put up some of our outdoor Christmas lights. I adore outside lights. So fun, and pretty.
December 9th brought Sugar back to school, and just in time for my work Holiday party. :) I wasn't feeling like myself (was getting sick), so I just sat back and watched the goings on. Several folks had fun working on Holiday cards. I usually love that sort of thing, but just didn't have the energy.
December 10th....ummmmmm was a saturday.....and I......well, we........dang it. I can't remember. Sigh. I do know I took this shot of more of my outside lights. I thinking we decorated inside the house.....and whined about being sick.
December 11th was Sunday....I think there was more whining. Yup.....it's likely. I did find time to play with my camera and some fun Bokeh. :) We put up our christmas tree. It is so pretty, but I haven't taken a normal photo of it to prove it. Sorry.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Letting her light shine
For the past few months, I have found myself in "barely blogging" mode, and it makes me sad. There are so many things I get out of the process of blogging. I love the idea that someday Sugar Bear will get to read back and have the opportunity to peek into her childhood. To know her mother better. To see.....to feel....to know the way I have felt about being her mother. I have only been able to do the bare minimum lately when it comes to documenting our life. It is my Christmas wish that I will find the time....the desire....the drive to do more.
The other day, it was an incredible morning outside. It was cold.....and crisp.....and the light was amazing. I couldn't resist trying to nab some macro shots of nature. It was truly something that could be considered "me time". It was all for me. Sugar tagged along, and while I crouched in the frosty grass, I looked over to see my darling girl bathed in warm glorious light. I caught my breath and began to snap away. She didn't disappoint. I was able to snag so many shots that capture all that is Sugar Bear.
Her inner light.....her joy........her amazing little self. I recently had a friend experience the TRUE Sugar Bear, and it blessed my heart. So often, Sugar is just to shy to be "herself". I love that she is opening up to those around her more. I love that my friend got to see this girl.....
This sweet......fun......GOOFY girl. She is funny, and witty.......and just plain lovable. She started to mimic me......searching to get a laugh out of me.
It worked! How could it not? She IS my joy. I am so very blessed to be this little person's mama. I can not feel more proud.
I hope that she will always know how completely I love her. I hope she always knows that I am her biggest fan, and I can't wait to see who she becomes.
This smile has changed.......it is changing every day.....but it is still my most favorite smile in the world because it goes right to my heart, and fills me with the most amazing feeling.
Monday, December 12, 2011
My week 62
November 28th didn't really bring anything that special, but I do love our drive home each day. It is fun to chat about what we have done while apart. Then we get the mail, and Sugar likes to climb up into the front seat and read the mail on the way up the driveway. Fun times.
November 29th found me late to take a photo. I decided to snap this quick shot while making Sugar Bear's lunch. I pack her lunch and snack each day. The food at school is awful. Even if it wasn't.....it would be hard for Sugar as she is picky picky picky!!!!!! She does love these, though. yum!
November 30th found us trying to get our Christmas decorating started. We need to find Sugar's advent calendar. Why do I always wait until the last minute to get this stuff together. I also had to wrap 25 Christmas/Winter books for Sugar Bear's count down to Christmas. I don't like the wrapping, but the end result is fun. This shot is a quick snap of Sugar's stocking.
December 1st started our count down to Christmas. This is a shot of the tree that resides in Sugar's room, and the 25 wrapped books just waiting to be opened one per night until Christmas. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......I love this time of year.
December 2nd was quite a day. The photo I put in the collage cracks me up. It says so much about a lot of things....but mostly it is just perfect for my friend Kim. She is a nut and love her. Work can make us all bananas and it is always good to get a laugh at work. This was a hard day. it was the last day of work for a friend....and we sent her off well, but she is greatly missed. love you Heather! ♥
December 3rd was a perfect sort of Saturday. It started off with a wonderful frost. I adore taking photos in the frosty weather. Sugar even let me grab some of her. I hope to share those soon. This one spoke to me, though. I love the yummy bokeh. ♥ Later we went to town to see the Christmas Opry. It is such a fun tradition. This year was all the more special, as Sugar's cousins had a small part in it.
December 4th was a stay at home day. I had 478956 things to get done, and I was pretty successful. The Hubby had been done on a hunting trip since Wednesday, and Sugar was all the more excited to have slumber parties in mama's bed. I snapped this shot soon after I noticed this darling scene. Sugar was waiting in my bed for me to finish brushing my teeth. She was excited to read that night's Christmas story. Toby Cat always loves to join us.
I couldn't have asked for a better week. ♥ I am so blessed.
Monday, December 5, 2011
My Week 61
November 21st was a day at home.....ALONE for me. I was a bit under the weather, so I stayed home from work, and spent some quality time with my computer and a toasty fire. Gosh I love a wonderful fire.
November 22nd was another day at home. I wrapped up editing some pictures of my cousin's wedding last summer. I am sooooooooooooooooooo behind on my editing. It is depressing.
November 23rd I had a very very very busy day at work. It was a beautifully crisp day. I couldn't resist taking a quick shot of the sunset when I stopped at the library. It was stunning. I was really beginning to miss my Sugar Bear on this day. My heart needed my little love. She would have really enjoyed seeing this pretty sky.
November 24th was Thanksgiving. I was thankful to finally be with my girl. She was thankful to be with her cousins. It was a really relaxing Thanksgiving day with my brother and his family, my parents, and my sister in law's mother. The Hubby was still gone on his hunting trip.
November 25th was a special day at home for my girl and myself. We were pretty lazy together. We did a bit of housework, but had a little fun with some crafty stuff. This was one of those little sun catcher things where you put the little plastic beads in the right sections, then heat it in the oven. So fun.
November 26th was the best day of the Thanksgiving weekend. We slept in together, and then we went to see a movie. "Arthur Christmas" in 3D. We enjoyed it. It is so rare that we go see movies, so it was a special treat. We then went to the mall, to mail her Christmas letter to Santa. She didn't want to sit on Santa's lap, as usual, but this year....I didn't even bother to encourage her. I'm okay with missing that photo op. :) This is growth for me. tee hee
Sunday, December 4, 2011
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