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Thursday, January 5, 2012

52 Weeks of ME- REMINDER

Hey there folks! Here's a quick reminder to be taking your photo for the first week of the project.

The theme is: NEW

But you don't have to follow the theme if you don't want to. It's just there as a prompt to get you thinking.

I've already grabbed a shot, but it isn't what I wanted for my shot this week, so I might try again on Saturday. My post will be up on Sunday with the linky so that you may link up if you want.

I made a button, if you are interested in posting the button on your blog. This is always nice, so people visiting your blog will no where to go to find out more about it, or to view all the blogs that have linked up. You can grab the button here:

Remember, there is a flickr group as well. Go HERE to join in there if you don't have a blog. The more the merrier. :)

I can't wait to see the pictures of YOU!

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“Gregor and The Prophecy of Bane” by Suzanne Collins Photobucket

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