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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What We Wouldn't Endure For Our Best Pal

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

As some of you might know....Egg-Bert had a makeover, and the last we saw of Ernie, his little egg-hiney was hightailing it out of here. Could you blame him? I think not! Sugar had proven to be ruthless with a pair of scissors in her hand.

We all know that Egg-Bert and Ernie are good pals, right? So it also wasn't too surprising to me that when Egg-Bert's wails of "why me?" grew increasing louder, Ernie surfaced from his hiding spot under the discarded box of Cocoa Puffs, which lay dejected beside the couch. As he waddled over, he could be heard saying, "Now don't cry buddy old pal....I'm coming.....I'm coming!"

Sugar Bear's eyes lit up as Ernie placed himself squarely in front of her and announced, "Do what you must....I won't let my dear friend Egg-Bert suffer alone!" With that.....she dutifully set to work. A look of relief and admiration shone over Egg-Bert's face.


With stealthful hands, Sugar snipped, and snipped, as Ernie's hair tumbled to the tabletop.


Great care was taken to avoid finger, toes, and ears. know...if he had those, that is.


However, Ernie's bravery wavered a bit, as he whimpered a small request to "leave it a bit longer on top, please", but judging by the evil laugh that shook Sugar's little body, it wasn't to be.


Although she could not be deterred from her master plan, you can't say she didn't take her job seriously. Between the fits of maniacal laughter, she solemnly evened out her masterpiece.


The glee that so evidently bubbled forth from Sugar's soul MIGHT have been some consolation to Ernie, as she held him up for the final inspection.


As they posed for their "after" shots, I could hardly hear the muttering under their breath's, but it sounded an awful lot like, "Good grief, Egg-Bert! The least she could have done is offer to let us donate to Locks of Love!" To which Egg-Bert replied, "SERIOUSLY!"


I quickly set about hiding the little green scissors, as the following look was not lost on me, as Sugar Bear sat eyeing our cat. You can almost hear her little mind thinking...." it just me...or does Toby Cat look like he needs a Mohawk?"


36 Live It or Love It:

Cathy said...

Is that a number 1 on the ole' flat top buzz scale..? Great story. She is a cutie pie.

Gayle said...

Very cute tale. We made our egg-men, but they were smashed by the two-year old before the hair was planted!

AnnD said...

Sugar Bear loves those eggie men! What treasured photos!

Cath said...

Love it! I love the creativity you enjoy with Sugar. And that look...
The cat better watch out. ;0)

Christina said...

You are too funny, Corey...what a riot! Did it take long for poor Egg-Bert and Ernie's beautiful green locks to grow back?

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, I loved this. And that look on her face was definitely scissor related. Brilliant. :D

Deb said...

LOL! This gave me such a laugh this morning - thank you! I love seeing Sugar's expressions - and hope that the poor kitty is spared. :)

Lindy said...

too funny- she looks like she's having a blast!

Maude Lynn said...

I love that last picture! Run, cat, run!

holly said...

i now think there are *no* safe animals on your property...

nice do! next time she should so try to give them a brad pitt cut.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!! I love it so much when you write photo stories. This one had me giggling for sure!

Aunt Julie said...

Oh, I'm glad The Guys are together again--and that they got new haircuts, too!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the cat might need to look out!

tiarastantrums said...

ADORABLE - so fun - great idea! Fab photos!!

Chris said...

That was great and the eggs look perfect -- right down to Egg-Bert's unibrow. Watch the cat if you must, but my advice would be to keep her away from a mirror, before she decides that she could use a trim too. Both of my girls have gone down that path -- and they had that same look in their eyes!

scrappysue said...

those are fabulous shots! love the painted eggs

Head Gaggler said...

Those are so cute. What a great idea.

Sharon said...

All in the name of fun! Great buzz cuts, they look fabulous.

Cecily R said...

Eyeing the cat...bwahahaha!! Glad you had the mommy smarts to hide those scissors!!

I really need to do this one with my kids...the pictures you took make me want to do it even more. They are fantastic!!

And I'm not surprised by that at all...

Killlashandra said...

I never knew those little guys would be so much fun! Ya think she has a future as a stylist yet. ;)

Cute series pictures.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Great idea and the photos are so great! She's adorable and looks as though she was having a ball of a time!

Anonymous said...

That is SO great. Sugar Bear is just adorable giving those hair cuts! :P

Anonymous said...

hee hee, I love her grin!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Oh that was just precious! I love the step by step photos...hilarious!

Just wandered in here from another blog. I love it here! :-)


Anonymous said...

great story and photos! She is a cutie.

Shellie said...

What fun!

Shellie said...

What a fun story! Well done.

Susan said...

Creative story! Love that final look of hers. She was definitely contemplating some future use of those scissors.

Rose said...

What good eggs to let her hack away!! Nice 'dos. she is a adorable as is the story.

YTSL said...

Teeheehee, what a fun entry! On another note: Please come over to my blog and let me know when you've got this week's Photo Hunt entry up. Am looking forward to seeing it. :)

tommie said...

She looks way too pleased with herself....but now I understand when I tell the non-English-as-a-first-language speaking "stylists" use a #4...they give my little boy a buzz cut EVERY time. He comes out looking like a kid in basic training....not someone who just needs a little off the ears!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Fun story, cute pictures! What a fun idea of a home-made chi-pet!

Anonymous said...

Yowza! That's quite a buzz! :D

Her maniacal little grin is just cute beyond words, Corey :)

Susie said...

Now that is an EGGcellant story!
She is beautiful!

Michelle said...

Hmm...does she see hairstylist as a career choice?! :) Cute story and photos -as always!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That was really cute. :)

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