Not too long ago, I blogged about Sugar Bear making friends with a little snake last summer while we were camping. She is quite the animal lover. She was quick to find another little creature to examine that day. Growing up, both Hubby and I recall playing with these little creatures as well. Hubby did inform me that if eaten, these little buggers are quite poisonous. We decided that it was safe to let her play with them as long as she didn't lick them, and we washed her hands thoroughly afterwards.
She was obsessed with them. She caught a total of four of these newts, and named a few of them. Tiger.....and ummmmm....I can't remember. She is asleep right now, or I'd ask her. Sugar has a memory like an elephant. I'm sure she could tell me the names.
As with the snake, I had to remind her a few times that the creature was not a toy, and should just be held, and admired....not flown like a rocket.....
taught a little dance.....
or hung by the neck!
She would do a great job for awhile, then lose her mind for a minute and do something silly. The tail was a bit irresistible at times.
But mostly she just wanted to love them to death.
After reading a bit more about them, I am feeling rather lucky she didn't have a reaction to them. I just know that as a kid neither hubby or I had any trouble, and I am certain we didn't have an obsessed mother scrubbing our hands afterward. I am undecided as to whether I'll ever let her play with them again. Experience tells me it is okay, but WOW what if something really did happen. I shutter even thinking about it.
Have a great Sunday.