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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Camera Critters~ YeeHaw....Tame that Pony!

Camera Critters

Okay, so technically, you won't see a real critter here this week, but I do hope you'll forgive me. I'm trying to multi-task, and I can't think of a cuter set of photos to feature today.


For Halloween, Sugar Bear was a darling little cowgirl, who spent much of her tame the wild pony she named, Cinderella.

(Cutest Costume (age 3 and up) entered in contest)

This little filly was as sweet as can be...


Oh, and Sugar Bear wasn't too shabby herself!


With a "yeeeeeehawwwww!!!!" they were off!


They galloped and trotted round and round...

(Best Photo ~entered in contest)

Have the time of their lives!


Until Sugar was heard yelling, "Settle down....settle down Cinderella! You are getting toooooooo excited!" So, They came to a screeching halt.


Sugar Bear obliged the Mama for a quick photo...


Then caught sight of a piece of candy...or something, it seems!


Soon, Cowgirl Sugar and her trusty sidekick, Henry, were hiding behind their lookout from the dreaded "Mom of Henry" who threatened to end their shenanigans.


With her friend gone, there was nothing left to do but buckle up, and look forlorn while the mama stows Cinderella in the rear of the truck. sigh....


However, all sadness quickly disappeared when Cowgirl Sugar realized our truck was headed in the direction of the Halloween Carnival! "YeeeeeeHawwww!"


Thank you for coming by my blog this week! Have a great Sunday!
I entered a few of these photos in a contest over at PBN ( and Blurb (

29 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your pictures!!! Sugar is the perfect cowgirl!!

Side note...what lighting were you using for your first set of photos against the white background???

Roan said...

Now that is just about the cutest critter I've ever seen. Great series of shots. BJ

Jaimie said...
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Anonymous said...

Her hair is getting so long! Cute CUTE freckles! You can tell she had so much fun.

Corey~living and loving said...

Jaimie said...
LOVE it Corey! Sugar is beautiful as always and she looks like she had such fun!!

November 1, 2008 7:59 PM

Corey~living and loving said...

The lighting here was all natural light. I took these at about 5pm. :)

Ingrid said...

Adorable ! can't say anything else !!

Heart of Rachel said...

Hope you all had a fun Halloween celebration. I love Sugar Bear's costume. Such a pretty cowgirl.

Anonymous said...

OMW that horse is cute!

dot said...

What a cute little cowgirl! Great picture taking too!

Anonymous said...

Ride em cowgirl! Awesome shots, Corey... she'll be wanting her own real pony soon enough, eh.

Nichole said...

It took me awhile to figure out how to leave a comment lol! She looks adorable! I love the freckles!!! And my goodness your photos are beautiful!!!

Gretchen said...

Those are such cute photos! Looks like she was really having a blast!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now that is a cute series of shots.

Christina said...

Goodness Corey, how do you keep from eatin' her up!? She is SO cute! I love the freckles, and the whole costume is adorable. She's so expressive. I love every single picture in this series!

Donetta said...

Too cute! She really loved the pretend. It is so fun.

Kirsetin Morello said...

That is an absolutely adorable cowgirl. So darling!

Cynthia said...

Sugar Bear was a cute cowgirl...Miss Peach was one as well! Smart girls think alike;)

Meghan said...

Love, Love, love this series. I see so much of you in her, Corey.

Maude Lynn said...

These are so adorable! Could she be any cuter?

AnnD said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Those are the only words to describe how I feel about Sugar Bear, her costume and the quality of those photos!

i beati said...

But to Sugar Bear it was a REAL horse !!sandy

Anonymous said...

Those are brilliant!!!

What ever happened Tiny?

Tabitha Blue said...

These are too darling!! LOVE the costume, she is absolutely precious! One of my faves is the last one. So cute!!! Glad you had a great and safe Halloween!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Gorgeous pics as usual Corey. That costume is fab.

Jennifer said...

Wonderful pics Corey! She is beautiful! Love her costume!!

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Aw, that is an adorable costume, and wonderful pictures, as always!

Misty DawnS said...

I don't think she could be any more precious or beautiful! What a fun little girl she seems to be. I love watching her grow in your photos.

Michelle said...

oh my gosh that costume sure is adorable!!

The framing really does make the picture "pop" ... but where am I going to find the time to do that extra work to a photo and get it framed and then post it to the blog!? You amaze me with how you find the time to do all that; you must not sleep! :)

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