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Saturday, April 2, 2011

52 Weeks of ME- Week Fourteen

Theme of the Week:


Okay...okay...okay...I know you might have been expecting something interesting...or creative this week from me. I mean following up from last week....I just had to do something unexpected, right? I as UNDER-WHELMED by this theme. I just wasn't feeling it this week. I couldn't come up with a single good idea. Well....that's not entirely true. I did briefly toy with the idea of a shot of my big ol' bum in some really nice white granny panies, but....sorry to report that I just couldn't find the time to execute it. :) I know....I are sooooo disappointed, yes? Sorry!

I was so uninspired this week, that I literally snapped this shot a few hours ago. I just couldn't bother myself to give a ton of effort. is a shot of me that is under-exposed....and under-whelming.

Apr0211_0050ew is a photograph of myself, and THAT is the ultimate goal in this project. To be more present in my photos. So while I might feel this week was an epic really isn't.

Be sure to head on over to visit Jessie and Cara to see all the fabulous ladies taking part in this cool project.

2 Live It or Love It:

Nickolaus Cave said...

I like the catch lights in your eyes. I wasn't motivated either. Not sure why.

Jen said...

I think it is just perfect. Getting the photo taken each week is enough. Anything extra creative or risky is just an added bonus.

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