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Thursday, April 14, 2011

From :( to :)

While I've been in a bit of a :( sort of mood this week, I strongly feel that focusing on the :( is NOT going to help. So.....even though I've been too busy to take pictures...edit about the pictures....I do have a few minutes to think of things that turn my frown upside down.

-baby bunnies

-cotton candy

-a friend showing appreciation for something I did.

-a fast growing puppy who is ALWAYS excited to see me.


-a bubbly bath with my girl.

-a wonderful parent/teacher conference

-listening to Sugar Bear tell me all the exciting things she is learning in her math class.

-knowing that Sugar's daycare provider loves her ALMOST as much as I do.


-a bridge that was closed....and adding 30 minutes of driving every day to my life....being opened A WEEK AHEAD of schedule. WOO HOO!

-Ice cream

-a new lens for my camera. ♥

-the perfect rainbow picture drawn by my Sugar while she quietly, and patiently listens to me give a 30 minute presentation at an evening meeting for work. She is the BEST!

-sweet pea scented hand lotion.

-finding the chap stick I lost 3 months ago in the pocket of a coat I hadn't worn since then.

-hearing a wonderful birthstory and being instantly taken back to the day I first met Sugar Bear.

-watching videos of Sugar Bear when she was younger.

-knowing that summer break is only 7 weeks away for ME and 8.5 weeks away for Sugar Bear.

Life is good, folks. :)

2 Live It or Love It:

Gayle said...

Life is good! And they best part I liked hearing? That it is almost summer vacation and I will no longer be sending my kids off to school!! :)

Jessie said...

I love your posts mama! They make me smile :) So, what is the new lens? I can't wait for you to take pics and edit them ♥

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