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Sunday, September 11, 2011

52 Weeks of ME- Week Thirty-six and Thirty-seven

I definitely got behind on this project this time, so I had to get two shots this week. Sugar Bear had been asking me if she could take some pictures while we were driving down our road, so I let her. She got these two shots.

This one shows my favorite bracelet. I hope many years from now, Sugar Bear can look back on this shot, and have fond memories of her mama wearing this bracelet all the time. :)


I'm not sure what the theme was this week, but I know that one I missed was SOOC (Straight out of Camera), so here is this shot Sugar got of me. I think the light adds some interest to this shot.


Here's hoping that I can have more intention in the following weeks of this project. Things just need to slow down a bit around here.

1 Live It or Love It:

Autumn said...

I think Miss Sugar has a gift for photography like her mama. Lovely shots. :)

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