September 17th felt like such a hectic day for me, but wasn't that bad. The fact that it FELT horrible tells me I need to regroup. Me thinks I need an attitude adjustment.
Later in the day, I walked out to my truck to see this beautiful young buck hanging out near our new building. He is so hungry, and all the new bushes we planted are feeding him well. It makes me sad to see that we invaded his home, and he is suffering. He had very little fear of me, and I'm sure that does not bode well for him.
I did enjoy snapping some shots of him though. What a brilliant creature. It brought a little peace to my day.
September 18th was a busy day at work, where I finally got an opportunity to start unpacking my office more. It has been a pile of boxes for two weeks now. I'm so ready to get it all cleaned up and organized.
I spent part of my morning taking some head shots of the staff at a local insurance agency. I like that type of work. Quick in and out, and easy editing. I don't do it very often, but I do like it.
I wanted to get a good shot of my sweet girl Ivy, so I told her to SIT, STAY.......and.....QUACK! I think she was confused. I like to keep her on her toes.
September 19th was a great day at work. I had tons of things to do......but I didn't let it overwhelm me like I've been doing lately. I continued to unpack, and straighten out my space. I'm getting it all set, so I can get it decorated a bit to personalize it.
In the late afternoon, I heard something that made me start to feel bad....hurt my feelings........but I soon realized I needed to let it go.
On my drive home, I stopped the truck so that my husband could show our daughter how to use a range finder. While they worked on that.....I nabbed this simple shot of grass. Looking at it now reminds me to just "keep it simple". Often things.....or people......are more than what they seem. We just need to open our hearts.
In the late afternoon, I heard something that made me start to feel bad....hurt my feelings........but I soon realized I needed to let it go.
On my drive home, I stopped the truck so that my husband could show our daughter how to use a range finder. While they worked on that.....I nabbed this simple shot of grass. Looking at it now reminds me to just "keep it simple". Often things.....or people......are more than what they seem. We just need to open our hearts.
September 20th
was........well......I can't really think of much to say about it. I worked. Sugar went to school. I had lunch with a friend (so great to see her), and we got home early enough to be outside together for awhile. Dinner was yummy, and there were giggles during story time, and happy cuddles.
September isn't often that I have time to take photos in the morning, but today I was scheduled to be in a town further south all day. I sent Sugar off to school with a friend, and had a bit of extra time on the way to my destination. I was really soaking up all the beautiful low lying fog, and the sun rising. It was such a stunning morning.
My work day was pleasant, and Sugar enjoyed her day at school and some time with her cousins in the late afternoon.
My work day was pleasant, and Sugar enjoyed her day at school and some time with her cousins in the late afternoon.
September 22nd
I busied myself with chores today, which often sends Sugar Bear running for cover as to not get roped into my shenanigans. Being an "only" can be hard. There is no one to play with if Mom and Dad are busy.
While I baked two different types of Zucchini Muffins, Sugar Bear took her trusty BOX out into the yard for some playtime. I love to watch a child work their imagination.
While I baked two different types of Zucchini Muffins, Sugar Bear took her trusty BOX out into the yard for some playtime. I love to watch a child work their imagination.
September 23rd
We had a nice quiet day. It was exactly what I needed. In the early afternoon, we head outside to get some fresh air. Sugar Bear has been working on mastering the "toe spread". Her dad does it, and she wanted to be able to do it, too. She is so proud of herself. I can't do this. Can you?
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