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Friday, October 5, 2007

Four For Friday!

As promised last week, this week's theme for my Four For Friday is movies from the 80's that I loved THEN....and still love NOW! These four movies are movies that certainly tickled my funny bone as a teenager, and still has the power to make me smile as an adult. These movies have staying power.


The Money Pit Who doesn't love a Tom Hanks movie? This one cracks me up. I suppose I love seeing the comedy in another person's bad luck. The scene where Tom Hanks is stuck in the hole in the floor is my favorite.


Raising Arizona I didn't know it at the time, but I would soon be a real fan of The Coen Brothers. There is something about their sense of humor that just gets me. This movie is so dang slays me. The scene where Nickolas Cage is running through the streets with the panty hose on his head and the diapers under his arm....just makes me laugh so hard. Love this movie soooooooooooo much!


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels I am a HUGE fan of Steve Martin, and it appears the the director Frank Oz, is an amazingly talented man. No wonder this movie was such a success. I love love love the cork on the fork. :)


The Princess Bride There is simply NO way to truly express my love for this movie. I am ridiculously in love with it. I have a lifelong crush on it. It is nearly the perfect movie in my eyes.

Do you have any thoughts on these movies? Which 80's movies have staying power for YOU?

6 Live It or Love It:

Maude Lynn said...

The Breakfast Club!

Jennifer Powell said...

I also have a profound love for the Princess Bride and I had forgotten about Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Thanks for sharing!

KatieBug said...

Great movies!! I LOVE the Princess Bride! The other ones were fabulous as well, but that one IS nearly the perfect movie!!

Autumn said...

I second the Breakfast club, I love that movie. I will also watch the Lost boys any time it comes on but my all time favorite is Stand by me. I had a terrible crush on River Phoenix.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Oh my YES! The Princess Bride. A more classic movie for all ages has never been made. I knew we were kindred spirits, mama!

My fave Tom Hanks movie from the 80s is The Burbs. I am not quite sure if anyone else in America loves this gem the way I do, and my sister and I can recite the scropt word-for-word.

This was a fun topic! They just don't make 'em like they used to, do they?

Anonymous said...

My friends and I still watch the Princess Bride once every summer together. And that includes a some guys too. Such a good movie.

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