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Sunday, January 24, 2010

i ♥ faces~ Textures

Over at i ♥ faces, this week, they are celebrating the art of using Textures when editing photographs. This is something you won't see used OFTEN in my process, but I do throw a few in here and there. Usually, I like to keep my post processing down to a very minimum. In fact, I only tend to make the few tweaks needed due to using RAW format. I never, I and do repeat NEVER, touch the eyes on my subject. I will run a plug-in to reduce the noise in the photograph, if it is needed. For me, the simpler the better. However, sometimes there are just a photograph or two that make a cry for something special, and texture can really be that something. When used on the right photograph, it can really take a photo from good to GREAT.

To be honest, the most common reason I end up using texture is to hide a flaw. Yes...I said it. Texture is an awesome tool to salvage a mistake. A blurred shot. An overexposed shot. Too much grain. Texture can save it, and so it is with the shot I have chosen to share today. I took this particular photograph a few weekends ago, in celebration of my daughter's 5th birthday. While I got many keepers, I also had some mistakes. In the case of this shot, it was rather blurry, but I adored her expression. I wanted so badly to make it a keeper. I whipped out a texture, and was quite pleased with the results.


Head on over to i ♥ faces, and see all the great uses for textures. I'm certain there will be some really amazing works of art this week.

20 Live It or Love It:

Erica said...

what a sweet photo!

Unknown said...

It is beautiful Corey. I loved all of your pictures from that session. She is such a sweetie : ) Those pink balloons are so pretty!

Janet said...

Oh! I like that texture! Nice photo too, but I like what the finish does to it!

Unknown said...

Cute photo and the texture is perfect.

Marcelle said...

Beautiful...I have to look at my editing program in more so scared to us it.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

I love this, she looks so carefree and the texture is perfect.

Evette Mendisabal said...

What a fun photo. Such a pretty little girl, so obviously enjoying her balloons.
Great texture.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I, too, like her sweet expression. The texture adds just the right touch. Great job!

Unknown said...

I love it! It looks great... I never would have guessed it had been used to hide any flaws!

Visiting you from iheartfaces!

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that's pretty!

Tabitha Blue said...

With the texture, you can't even tell it was a blurry, accident photo. It looks beautiful!!

Mamí♥Picture said...

oh my oh my those sweet textures are so the pink and her beautiful face...♥...♥ love it!

Julia said...

Beautiful! It gives the picture a timeless feel.

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Anonymous said...

I like the texture. The picture looks so different from when it was orginally posted. Stopping by from SITS!

Unknown said...

This looks absolutely beautiful! :-) what a cutie and your photography is gorgeous!

Tricia said...

What a wonderful shot! The textures make it look quite magical.

Jeanette said...

It's beautiful. Love the sparkly look that you get with this texture

Anonymous said...

great photo, and well done on the processing!

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

so adorable. I loved that you saved it - because her expression is so sweet!

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