It only seemed to take a moment.....and suddenly 1825 days had past. Somehow....someway, FIVE years have slipped through my fingers, and I went from having an empty hole in my heart, to being the luckiest mother, of a 5 year old angel, in the entire world. How I came to deserve this I do not know, but I will be forever grateful. There are simply not enough words to describe this journey I have been on. Sugar Bear is, by leaps and bounds, the best thing that has ever happened to me. No single being has changed me so much in such little time. I am who I am because of her.

Back in May of 2009, I went to a local pottery place to spend an afternoon with my co-workers. It was what we call our yearly "Wellness Day." For my project, I chose to make my little Sugar a birthday plate. It was my intention to save it for her next special day, and surprise her with her favorite breakfast on it. Now let me is a long time between May and January. I have been so excited to finally get the opportunity to use it.

Recently, that time came, and boy oh boy was it such a special moment for us both. Sugar was so very surprised, and I was joyous to see the look on her face. She was so complimentary on all the hard work I had put into it, too. She knows how to butter up this Mama, that's for sure. I explained that every single year from here on out, this special plate will hold a birthday meal just for her. How very excited she was. She quickly gobbled up her pancake with strawberries and whipped cream to see the picture on the plate. I neglected to get a photo of the plate without the food on it, but the center has a birthday cake painted on it. I am NOT an artist....this plate took me hours and hours and hours, but in the end....I was pretty pleased with it....
.....and I think Sugar Bear was, too! ♥
Happy Birthday my little love bug! May the next 1825 days go alittle more slowly.
Stay tuned for a few (okay, a lot) more photos of her big day.
P. S. Several of this week's shots were taken on her big day, as well. If you see the brown pajamas....then it was taken on her birthday.
21 Live It or Love It:
HUGE birthday wishes!! That plate is absolutely gorgeous, you are such a clever mom!
Delightful! Absolutely delightful! Happy Birthday Sugar Bear! Your smile brings so much joy! :)
What a great idea with the plate. It turned out excellent. Kids sure love traditions, I'm sure Sugar was tickled. I just can't believe she is five. It seems like just yesterday I was looking at that first picture of her and showing everyone I knew the picture of the most perfect baby (ahem besides my own of course) that I had ever seen. :)
HAPPY BIRFDAY, youngin'!!!!!
I feel similarly about Becca's birthday coming up next week - where DID the past 4 years go???!!
What a fun idea for a birthday plate and a cool tradition to be starting with it. Plus I'm totally impressed that you managed to save it for so long. :)
Happy Birthday, Sugar Bear - can't wait to see more pictures from her big day!
Now THAT is so cool! I want a special plate too!!!
Happiest Birthday to Sugar Bear!!!
My favorite blogging girl turned 5 and I didn't know this!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful and special plate!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Happy Birthday to your Precious and Wonderfully fantastic Sugar Bear! I LOVE her Birthday plate. And I love how much you love her.
Happy Birtday Sugar Bear!
You did a such a great job on that plate! I wouldn't even know where to start on something like that. You are so artistic.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
Happy Birthday to your cutie pie!
What a cute idea! I may have to do a birthday dish for our family. I just got some coupons for the local paint your own pottery store. Thanks for the inspiration, and Happy Birthday, Sugar!!!
Great plate...great idea. Olivia would just love something like that. You are such a good mommy.
I am sure Sugar Bear had a fabulous birthday!
I feel like I've been reading your blog forever and I haven't but even I can see how much older she is getting and how quickly it is happening! She just gets more beautiful and spirited each year!
We both have January girls!
Happy, happy Birthday to Sugar Bear!!
And great job on the plate. What a sweet tradition you've started!
She is beautiful! Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sugar!! Wow, five years old - a whole hand. She just radiates joy and beauty. The birthday plate is fantastic too- nice job, Corey!
P.S. Why did I think her bday is in March?? My brain is on the fritz.
Happy birthday to that little sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am TOTALLY stealing this idea.
Happy Birthday to her and Happy Birth Day to Sugar Bear.
That's something very special that she will treasure forever I'm sure. Very nice idea!
Cool idea.
Happiness to her for her birthday!
The days, months and years seem to so much faster when you are watching your kids grow.
Every day I am so blown away at the power and grace and love of the mother-child connection. Then I think of all the billions of people in the world and the trillions of people in the world's past and I wonder how something that is so commonplace and widespread can be so unbelievably profound.
Happy, happy birthday to the Internet's sweetheart.
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