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Friday, May 6, 2011

OH how I torture her.....


tee it isn't THAT bad!


I think she loves it as much as I do. ♥ I still like the one in my banner best. It was a spontaneous moment captured perfectly forever. These....are just a recreation. But oh my....look how much she has grown.

The second photo is my submission for Fabulous Friday, as it is my favorite photo I took this week.

7 Live It or Love It:

Susan said...

Oh my, this is so funny!!! Great capture♥

Brooke said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these :D You nailed it. That one if your banner is PRICELESS! Love the eyes.. hee.

Amanda Pfeifer said...

found your blog from the Fabulous Friday challenge.. it's great!

and that picture is fantastic! LOVE IT!

She has changed alot in the two pictures... is it the same frog? I wouldn't know. But so very cool that they are both bigger :)

Linda said...


Jennifer said...

Hey Corey! I love this shot. I'd like to post it as part of the Fab Five. Are you able to send me a web sized version? scarlettmcd at Thanks!

Jennifer said...

You won Fabulous Friday Corey!!! Congrats!

Marcelle said...

She's LOVING it...she really is.

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