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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WE came THISSSSSSSSS close... kissing a frog!


But our dreams came true before the lips connected!

Today, I was minding my own business, riding shot gun in my friend's car on our way back from lunch at the sushi joint, when my phone rang out. Recently, I had been making an effort to ignore my phone when I'm hanging with some folks. I'm getting pretty tired of people not being fully present with each other, but that's an entirely different post. This time, being that Sugar Bear wasn't with me, I took a quick glance to see if it might be about her. It wasn't.....and I didn't really recognize that number but something told me, "ANSWER IT!" and I did.

Oh my heavens....what a surprise it was. :) The charter school was calling me to tell me that Sugar Bear has worked her into a real....and true....and awesome spot in their school for next fall. WOO HOO....I just broke down in tears. I'm so excited to have a direction set for next school year. I'm thrilled for a new beginning, and for the possibilities.

Sugar Bear did a little dance when I told her she was in. She is most excited because she will beginning learning to knit next year at school. How cool is THAT? :)

I want to thank each and every single one of you that sent good thoughts, and/or prayers our way. I am so very blessed to have such wonderful support.

Sugar Bear is just glad she didn't have to kiss that frog. :) tee hee


7 Live It or Love It:

Janet said...

Too young to hope for a prince! :) Yay! About the school! LOTS to look forward to! Have a happy day - I'm off to vote now!

Marcelle said...

hAHAHAHA, Sugar is full of life!! love adventurous.

Beth Cotell said...

Thanking God for an answered prayer! So happy for Sugar AND you!!!!

Heidi said...

wheeeeeeeee Congrats!!!!

Jen said...

Woohoo. I just knew deep down in my heart that she was going to get in. I am so, so happy for you guys!!

Jeanette Verster said...

Yeehaa!! So very happy for you!! That's fantastic news

Christina said...

Now that brought a smile to my face!! What awesome happy for you and Sugar! Thank God!

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