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Thursday, July 7, 2011

It was a good Fourth


Our Fourth of July was "just right". Just some family........some food.....and some laughs.


Just how we like it. :)


Sugar loves this time of year. She gets to see some distant cousins, and play down at the river with them.


I'd love to show you those pictures....but I'm am CRAZY busy right now, so that will not happen.

But I wanted to take the time to share these fun shots. I'm a bit worried about my lens. The focus is slightly off in these. I'm shooting a wedding this weekend, and I hope I don't have this problem.

Here is a fun, and rare photo of my parents with their three grandchildren. ♥ Good times.


Yes, the Fourth was a blast. Quite literally. We had a private little firework show. I grabbed a few shots....but mostly just wanted to "be there".


I am grateful for my freedom.....for my independence.


Life is Good!

2 Live It or Love It:

Autumn said...

Oh my, I have two thoughts here.
1. When did Sugar get so much more mature looking? When did that happen? My goodness she is turning into such a beautiful young lady.

2. The picture of your parents and their three grandkids.. omg I just <3 your family. I don't know why but it made me teary to look at that pic.

(ok I know why... I'm a huge sentimental sap!)

Makes me miss you friend.

Jen said...

Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate to me. Love the photo of your parents with the grandkids!!

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