I'm wishing...
I would have made time for sewing this weekend. I have a BAZILLION projects I want to make, and yet.....never seem to get to them.
I'm wondering...
if I'll EVER finish editing wedding photos. I do not know how folks do it that have a full time job, kids, spouse, and a photography business. I feel like a have spent a ton of time editing, and I'm still not done. (Might be why no sewing is happening.)
I'm glutton...
for punishment. Seriously......why am I eating cookie dough? Aren't my pants tight enough? why oh why do I do this to myself?
I'm excited...
to be meeting up with a really fabulous photographer in my area tomorrow night. We are going to chat it up, and scout out picture taking spots in our town. I am over the top, embarrassingly excited.
I'm thinking...
that Sugar Bear is definitely attuned to the "times are a-changing". Kindergarten starts up in a few more weeks, and she seems to be regressing a bit. Lots of babyish behavior....baby talk, and really, really needy. It is like she knows she has this HUGE step towards independence coming up, and want to hold on to her babyhood. I'm feeling it too. Oh yes, I am.
I'm wondering...
if Sugar Bear will survive another 5 days away from me this week. We are struggling through a tough period of time these days. I have returned to work, but my daycare provider is not up and running again, since her car accident back in May. So, my sweet girl is spending her week days and nights with her grandparents who live an hour and a half away. This weekend, she was super clingy and full of sad tears at bedtime. She is hopelessly attached to me these days, and just thinking of being apart makes her cry.
I'm feeling...
pretty melancholy that Sugar bear's first tooth is loose...and I mean really loose. Not only am I not ready for this BIG milestone, I'm fairly certain I'm going to miss it. :( I just dropped her off this evening at my parents, and she won't be back home until Friday night. That tooth is sooooo coming out before the weekend. :( I really don't want to miss it. sigh.....
I'm not surprised...
that I'm coming down with my first cold of the work season. Two of my co-workers were on the up swing of a summer cold when I returned to work last week. This constant sneezing I've been doing today doesn't bode well for my work week.
I'm grateful...
that minus the impending illness, my first week back at work was calm, organized, and a great change from recent years. I'm looking forward to a great year. I can feel a shift in the right direction.
I'm anxious...
that I won't get my latest library book finished in time. It has like 48 holds on it, so I can't renew. If I don't get it done, I'll surely have to buy it, or wait 6 months to get it again. That is sooo not cool. I love the library, but this time....it is stressing me out. I suppose I shouldn't have went ahead and checked out a nearly 600 page book, then I have soooo much stuff going on these days.
I'm blessed...
to have some really wonderful people in my life. I am really wanting to make a better effort to connect with those whom I cherish. I have been far to quick to let time pass between contact. I don't want to regret that. Being busy, or tired...is no excuse for letting relationships go stagnant.
I'm inspired...I'm tired.
I'm hopeful....I'm hungry.
I'm busy....I'm late.
I'm sad....I'm worried.
I'm loved....I'm needed.
I'm trying.....I'm successful.
I'm procrastinating....I'm complicated.
10 Live It or Love It:
Loved this post, Corey! Helps me feel like I'm a little more caught up with what's going on in your life. I'm sorry the days apart from you are so hard for your girl right now. And that sucks about possibly missing the first tooth experience. :( I hope things settle into a happy, peaceful routine again for you both once Kindergarten starts!
Wishing you and Sugar could be closer this week.
Feeling the tight belt too.. darn cookies!
Knowing how you feel having an imminent kindergartner. :( yet :)
Hoping you don't get the cold you think is coming.
Wishing I lived closer to you.
Grateful for the friendship we have.
Loved this post! Hugs girlfriend.
...and you are wonderful. Sweetie try some D3
really can make a lot of difference
Great post Corey! I do hope you don't miss that tooth!
I'm... pleased to have you as a friend. Such a thought filled post. It seems like often all kinds of change hits all at once, and then it's difficult to roll with. That's happening here too. But rolling with it we are. Hang in there and maybe, just maybe Sugar Bear's tooth will too. :)
Wouldn't it be something to be able to balance everything we want in our lives instead of just focusing on the needs?
YOu are Corey and I think that Corey is kind of wonderful!!
Awesome post :)
re the editing... Lightroom is my saviour... I edit a thousand times faster now ;)
That about sums it up. I don't know how people like you do it--balancing work and motherhood. It's hard for your body to be one place while your heart is in another.
As for the loose tooth, I plan on sending my sons to boarding school from the minute they get their first loose tooth until the last one falls out. I CAN'T HANDLE THE WIGGLING!!! Ew ew ew ew ew.
Another one of my favorite types of posts! It makes me feel close to you and want to reach out and give you a hug! :o) I'm feeling those separation pangs right now, too, since N has been gone a week and a half and is really getting homesick! Ahhh! Anyway, love how REAL you are!
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