May 15th was a quiet Sunday at home. Sugar Bear has been wanting me to teach her to knit, and while I can absolutely knit, I have never really taught anyone to knit, especially a 6 year old. I do not have the proper tools, but gave Sugar a little lesson anyhow. She is VERY excited to hear that she will be learning to knit at her new school next fall! WOO HOO! (I'm off the hook.)
May 16th I captured a flower Sugar Bear gave me. Much like many children, she loves to give me things she finds in nature. She knows not to pick things without asking, and she is about 99% reliable on that. :) This little flower she found growing wild outside her Dance School. She asked....I let her....and then she gave it to me. ♥
May 17th was THE.BEST.DAY.EVER! This was the wondrous day when I was minding my own business having lunch with some friends, and the Charter School called me and told me that Sugar Bear had made it into the first grade class for next year. It was GLORIOUS! Still walking on cloud nine about it. :) Sugar is pretty pleased as well.
May 18th we celebrated with a McDonald's Happy Meal. Seriously.....she never gets a Happy Meal. I'm not a fan of them, but she ADORES Zoobles, so I couldn't resist getting her one. :) She had the cheeseburger, apples, and milk. :)
May 19th was a beautiful day. We enjoyed some time outside with the bunnies in the evening. They are getting so big....and fluffy! ( know you want one!)
May 20th brought back the rain. It has been the rainiest spring EVER! seriously.......sigh. rain, rain, go away!
May 21st marked Sugar Bear's first attendance of a baby shower. A week before the event, she accidentally referred to it as the "baby wash". It was at that time that I wondered if she had any clue what a baby shower was. :) It was so wonderful to see my cousin's wife all glowing with that momma-to-be love. ♥

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My Week 33
Sunday, May 29, 2011
My Week 32
May 8th was Mother's Day....and as a present to myself, I took some quick portraits of Sugar Bear in a dress I recently made her, and managed to capture one of my favorite photos of her yet. ♥
May 9th marked the first day of swimming lessons at school. What a cool opportunity. Sugar Bear loved getting to swim with all her classmates. This photo is hazy because it is FREEZING (in the 40's) outside and the pool is heated. Poor Kiddos were Popsicles, but they loved it.
May 10th was another day of swimming. Sugar Bear really took to the water, and remembered most of what she had learned last summer. I'm very proud of her.
Labels: Discovering Corey, My Week
Saturday, May 28, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Twenty-two
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Doing this....doing That
-Sugar Bear and I attended her first "baby wash"......I mean "baby shower". tee hee
-Attended Sugar Bear's "Family Math Night" at her school. Super fun. Sugar won a door prize. It MADE.HER.DAY!
-Taken about 3568971 pictures. Edited.....3.
-Been working on Sugar Bear's "memory book" for her school. This is a HUGE job, and might send me over the edge.
-There had been 457 meetings at work lately. I only have 1.5 more weeks until summer break....I.CAN.MAKE.IT!
-Attended a VIP lunch at Sugar Bear's school. Super fun.
-I've had TWO dental appointments for myself. I've been a bad girl....and I'm paying for it now. :(
-I went to a super fun birthday get together for two of my friends. It was AWESOME. I brought my Just Dance Wii game. HILARIOUSLY FUN! Didn't get home until 3:30am. I still haven't caught up on my sleep.
-Been making super yummy yogurt and fruit parfaits all week. We can't eat enough of them.
-Found out that I'm allergic to Mango Sap. Who knew that it has some of the same properties as Poison Ivy??? I had some really sexy, itchy lips for a week. nice.
-Been spending a little too much time on "Goodreads" and "Pinterest". Fun....but a time suck.
-Playing with baby bunnies, and trying to sell them. Don't want to see them go....but I know it will be a good thing. They are eating us out of house and home.
-I was hired to take MORE pictures for a local physical therapy place. I did that....and got them edited and deliver. I'm so busy right now.
Just wanted to drop a quick post to remind myself why I haven't been bloggin' much lately. I'm crazy busy....and tired all the time. BUT....there is an end in sight.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Twenty-one
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
WE came THISSSSSSSSS close...
Labels: Meaningful, Nature, Photography, Sugar Bear
Monday, May 16, 2011
A Lunch-y sort of DRESS!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
My Week 31
Saturday, May 14, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Twenty
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A giggling Good time!

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are, Sugar Bear? Most children don't have LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of baby bunnies to play with each day." ~The Hubby

Oh....I think she knows! ♥

It is written all over her beautiful face.

It's erupting from her laughing lips.

It's taking over her entire soul.

She is lucky, and she knows it. She doesn't waste it. She cherishes it.

It's hard not to be uncontrollably joyful when you have two fat and sassy little bunnies squirming around in your sweatshirt.

It overcomes you....and infects those around you.

Until they can hardly imagine being anywhere else than right there....right then...capturing these real...true...amazing moments.

♥ Life is Good! We are Living and Loving Every Minute of it! ♥
Labels: Bunnies, Pets, Sugar Bear
Monday, May 9, 2011
We have a Wish

There is something I just don't understand. How exactly, as a Nation, can we appear to be completely and utterly ignoring the importance of a good education? How are we allowing our Nation's schools to be suffering so? I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods, but in ours.....we are hurting. Our schools system is completely falling apart, and failing our kids. Teachers are up against a rock and a hard place, and they are doing the best that they can with large class sizes, old materials, facilities that are ancient, and unhealthy, and State and Federal demands that go against what is best for the children. They are forced to teach to the test, and it isn't working.
I can't really complain about the education Sugar Bear has received her first year in this system, but I can speak to the potential that isn't there. Her teacher has done a wonderful job of helping her stay motivated, and encouraging growth. She has even received some special services in advanced reading and math. I simply can not feel disappointed in what she has received, but I can be sad about what she hasn't. Physical education but once a formal music lessons. It only gets worse as the grades go up. In our more band, or, art, drama, and so on. It is all gone...or going. Next year, they must cut over $2 million dollars, so they are closing Sugar's school of 360 kids and merging them with another that already has 450 pupils. The school will be over crowded. 15 years ago, there were 5 elementary schools in our district, now there will be 2. They are also going from 5 days of instruction to 4 next year. I know we aren't the only State in this situation, and it is breaking my heart.
As I have discussed before, Sugar Bear is quite shy when it comes to people. While I had hoped that she would have outgrown some of it by now, she is, in fact, getting worse. It took her SEVEN months in kindergarten to raise her hand at circle time. I can guarantee that she knows the answer 9 out of 10 times, but she just won't talk in class. Up until a week ago...she had never initiated a conversation with her teacher or another child in class. She has definitely been making strides in the past month. Finally starting to feel a bit "at home" in her class, and now....she is facing a new school....LOTS more students.....and so many more changes for next year. This worrisome heart can't take it. I don't want my daughter to get lost in the be one of many. I want her to be known....guided....and appreciated for the amazing person she is. Her personality makes her a prime candidate for going unnoticed.
I will not stand by and let this beautiful soul go unnoticed!!!

So we have a wish, a hope, a dream, my dear friends. There is a Waldorf inspired charter school in our area that would be perfect for my Sugar Bear. While it isn't free of problems, it is certainly much more suited to Sugar's personality, and mine, really. I have attended an orientation, and will, today(Tuesday), be entered into a lottery to find out where we will be placed on the waiting list. YES...I said waiting list. However, if she is placed 1,2, or 3 on the list, she could likely have a spot next fall. There are no guarantees, but it is our wish. We want a chance. I believe, in my heart of hearts, that it would be a good move for us. There are at least 5 kiddos already in the class that she knows from Dance, and summer playgroup. It will be a change...but hopefully something she can ease into pretty painlessly. She would have relatively the same kids in her class through 8th grade. She will be known by all the staff in the school, and many of the families. She will not be lost....she will be found, and tended to. She will be nurtured, cultivated, and guided.

We just want a chance to thrive. Is that so much to ask?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Who She Is
One post, in particular "spoke to me" this week. I wrote that post almost FOUR years ago. Sugar Bear was only 2 and a half at the time, and if you think I'm smitten with my girl should have seen me than (and I know some of you did). I had a full-on CRUSH on my precious little honey, and I wasn't afraid to admit it. :)
In that post, I discussed my feelings about Sugar Bear growing up....and the change that might come to her personality and our relationship. It is hard things to think about, but I think I reflected my feelings pretty well. One thing I did that I am truly grateful for is the fact that I listed out a few personality traits that I felt accurately described my Sugar Bear at the time. Here is the list:
people shy
Scanning that list today, I see that some four years later, things have quite nearly stayed the same as much as they have changed. Sugar Bear is no longer:
But she is still is:
People Shy
She is also:
Mindful (Attentive; heedful)
Easy Going
As I sit here contemplating my dearest Sugar Bear, and trying to pinpoint traits that describe her, I get lost in the many facets of who she is. She really is quite nearly a completely different child in certain situations. I think her kindergarten teacher would be so surprised to hear me describing Sugar as funny, and adventuresome. In school she is shy and mindful. She hesitates, and goes with the flow, often letting others choose for her. With me, she is confident, and exuberant. She takes charge, yet she does often look to me for approval. People have said that she lives to please me. This messes with a mama's emotions. While it has aided in easily raising this girl up so far, it worries me. I want her to make her own decisions, and stand by HER thoughts and beliefs. She is just so compliant, and easy to be with. It is hard to encourage her to be different.
Writing this post has sparked an idea that I want to pursue. I will be asking several folks who are important in Sugar Bear's life to pick 5 words that describe her. It will be fun to see what they come up with, and to compare them to who I see her to be. I'll be sure to share the results when I get them.
In the mean time, I am committing to MORE writing. All too often, I only carve out enough time to throw some pictures up on the blog, and call it good. Reading my older posts really reminded me how important it is to document the who, the when, the where and the why of our everyday goings on. I don't ever want to forget WHO my girl was, is, and will be....

and how I feel about that. It's the feelings I don't want to forget.
52 Weeks of ME- Week Nineteen
Friday, May 6, 2011
OH how I torture her.....
Thursday, May 5, 2011
My Week 30
April 24th was Easter Sunday.....and somehow (I do know how) I deleted all the photos I took of Sugar Bear with her Easter Basket, and during her egg hunt. Yup....lovely, but surprisingly....I've handled it fairly well. They are gone, and that's all there is to it. I have the memories in my head, and that will have to do. Happily, I do still have the photos I took my Sugar Bear and her cousins in their new hot tub on Easter afternoon. They had a blast, and it was wonderful to capture some shots of the joy.
April 25th found me accidentally trying to starve myself. Seriously, folks....feeding myself and my family has become such a hardship lately. Yes, we can afford the food.....I just can't find the time to shop for it....or produce a nice dinner. I'm so very tired by the time I get home, I can hardly find the motivation to cook. I do get a second wind about 10pm each night...but it does me no good. Dinner is FAR over by then. This shot was taken of my Arby's roastbeef sandwich at lunch time. I had forgotten to bring a lunch to work......yet again. sigh....
April 26th was full of meetings and workshops. This particular day was a beginning of a "planning process" for our 2011-2012 work year. It is a very worth while process, but it can be a bit daunting, and I don't really do my best thinking in the afternoon. I grabbed this shot during a break. I was in great need of a H2O pick me up.
April 27th rained....yet again....and I just didn't find anything inspiring in that day what so ever. I was busy with both work, and preparing for the carnival at Sugar' school. It wasn't until I got home at the end of my day that I realized I hadn't nabbed a shot for the day. So Ivy posed for me, and we called it good.
April 28th made me smile. Ages ago, The Hubby had taken apart an old pair of binoculars, and given Sugar Bear the prisims and the eye pieces to experiment with. Sugar wanted to take one of the eye pieces to school for show and tell, so she did. That night on the way home, I kept cracking up when she put it up to her eye. I just had to get a shot of it. tee hee...silly girl.
April 29th finally arrived. The day we'd been looking forward to. School Carnival night. A great time was had by all, and Sugar Bear just loved the big slide. :)
April 30th was a quite Saturday at home. I love those. I know the baby bunnies show up often lately, but seriously, our life really seems to revolve around the bunnies, and our pup. ♥ This is Sugar and Moe. She is convinced that Moe is a boy and that he loves her so much that he wants to marry her. What a goonie girl she is. Gosh I love her.....and does Moe.
Labels: Bunnies, Discovering Corey, My Week, Pets, Photography, Sugar Bear