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Saturday, May 14, 2011

52 Weeks of ME- Week Twenty

Theme for the week:

Flare I love a sun flare as much as the next guy, but is hard to get one of yourself. I took like a bazillion....and this one was my favorite. I think it didn't help that the sky was hazy and the sun wasn't as low as I'd have liked. It was definitely a learning experience.


Be sure to head on over to visit Jessie and Cara to see all the fabulous ladies taking part in this cool project.

2 Live It or Love It:

Janet said...

I like the textures! And of course I just love the giggling ones of Sugar Bear - what a happy, happy smile!

Marcelle said...

I have no idea how you girls are taking your own pics in this creative way...who is holding the camera I keep wondering...tripod...timer??

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