March 5th....umm.....well....I have no idea what we did, but I do know that in the evening, I found Sugar Bear sitting on the counter in the bathroom organizing her hair stuff. I don't know what has gotten into her lately....maybe it's just a "SEVEN" sort of thing, but she is totally into organizing. ANYTHING......AND EVERYTHING. It keeps her occupied for hours. Can't say that I mind.

March 6th brought the first snow of the winter....maybe it was the first snow of the spring. It was a dusting....but it was lovely. I snapped this shot first thing in the morning as we jumped in the truck headed out for our day.

March 7th was a BIG day for me. I was LOOPED! yes.....so very LOOPED for most of the day. As you can see in the photograph, I was subjected to the joys of an IV. TWICE....because the first one failed. Typical for me. UGH. Soooooo not a fan. I sported a fancy green and brown bruise on my hand for a week. All so that I might be knocked out for a short period of time while my sweet Gyno removed a fun little polyp from my cervix. It was a delight. I'm sure I said all sort of humorous stuff while under the influence. It doesn't take much to make me goofy....and drugs are no exception. Good Times!

March 8th was spent in a pretty normal way for Sugar Bear, but I spent the day home alone....in bed.......crying. There is just something about anaesthetic that makes me an emotional mess the very next day. First day....I'm a hoot! Second day.......so depressed. ugh. Everything made me cry. Not fun. I picked up Sugar after Dance, and snapped a shot of her with Dr. Peanut. This is a little elephant that nurse Cassie dressed up for me to give Sugar Bear after my day surgery. It was so sweet of her, and Sugar loves him.

March 9th was NO SCHOOL for the Sug....and this always brings joy to her heart. Especially when it means she gets to go to her old daycare. She misses her care giver so much, and it is always a treat to see her friends. I grabbed this shot outside her daycare. I am sooo soooo soooo ready for Spring.

March 10th brought about 5 hours of driving, but it was so worth it. We had a little family reunion. I always enjoy seeing family. This time in particular was lovely, as I got a chance to hold some babies. It doesn't get better than that. Spending time with this cute little cousins was such a treat. So cute.

March 11th was spent helping my parents back-up their computer. It has been a long time coming, and completely amazing that their dinosaur of a computer hasn't given up the goose yet. I feel good knowing I've protected their data. Then Sugar Bear and I traveled back home to prepare for our week. We did take a few moment to nab a cattail for her "show and share" at school that week. For some reason it must have reminded her of a baton, because it brought out the marching goofiness in her. What a ham sandwich. ♥
whew....I'm almost caught up, yes? My husband needs to get back to work (shrimp season is coming soon), because I rarely have time to keep up with my blog and scrapbooking these days. eeekkkkk....I'm getting so very behind. Promised myself I wouldn't do that this year.

2 Live It or Love It:
Sugar sure has changed a lot since I first came to your blog. Her baby face is definitely gone. Looks like you had a good week despite your procedure. I hope you are feeling better.
I'm bad, too, about comments lately. Sorry. Do know that I read...and I'll be better about saying hi.
I can tell you that my 7 year old is definitely not into organizing things. She is quite the opposite of organization actually. I hope you are feeling better. It is always a relief to have those type of things behind you. Have a great week.
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