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Sunday, February 22, 2009

I ♥ Faces~ Black and White

While excited to see this week's theme, I had a bit of trouble deciding on some photos. I have struggled along my photography journey with Black and White conversions. I am a bit picky about what makes a black and white photo look good, and have certainly wavered on how to best achieve the results I love. The truth is....everyday, along with some really amazing shots, I see poorly converted Black and Whites, and I study them in an effort to understand what makes a GOOD conversion, and what doesn't. I have yet to figure it completely out, so I am excited to peruse the photos entered this month, as it will give me plenty of images to ponder upon. 

After MUCH deliberation, I have decided to enter the following photo of a sweet little newborn. I have always loved this shot, even though some may not. For ME, it sets forth the image in my mind of a little hungry bird, craning his neck in TRUST that mama (or Daddy) will provide. It warms my heart.


For the first time, since I ♥ Faces has launched, I am also entering a photo in the Adult Category. This photo of my friend's, 18 year old son also speaks to me. It could be the fact that it was a concept I "dreampt up" and it came to light, that draws me to the photos in this set, or just the fact that it seems to capture HIM. Regardless...I love it. 


Do yourself a favor and head on over to I ♥ Faces and check out all the great BLACK AND WHITE photography this week.

39 Live It or Love It:

Mireille said...

Both entries are really nice!! LOVE it!!

Michelle said...

The baby picture is precious and I love the guitar shot. Gives me some inspiration for taking shots of my daughter playing her guitar.

Carebear said...

I think the newborn shot is great! They only make those funny movements and faces for such a short time - it's great to capture as many of them as you can! And the adult entry is lovely too!

Heart of Rachel said...

Lovely shots. The baby picture is priceless.

Your friend's son must love playing beautiful music.

Upstatemamma said...

OH my goodness the expression on that little baby's face is adorable!! I absolutely love it too.
The picture of the young man is great. It speaks to me too.

Katarina said...

Your kid entry made me laugh. I LOVE the expression on his face!!

Aspiemom said...

I love both the pictures, but that baby one just is fantastic!

Julie Rivera said...

Both conversions really are great B&W (I know what you mean by nailing down what makes it great), but that adult entry is gorgeous. There is a creaminess to the image while still maintaining a nice purity of tone. You are not the only one to be drawn to it! (And I have to chuckle at the header picture every time I open your daughter does the same thing with stickers!)

Unknown said...

Wow. Love the cute little baby face : ). Super sweet! The guitar player is awesome. Perfect black and white. I have the hardest time with black and white too. I wish I could figure it out because I think they are beautiful!

Melinda said...

Gorgeous photos! What a talented photographer you are.

Randi said...

I LOVE both of these photos! The baby's expression is so cute, and the gutiar shot is just so pleasing to look at :)

Anonymous said...

I love them both... the baby is precious. Love the pure expression of it. :)

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean - some photos just don't do it for me in black and white yet I don't know what it is that I'm looking for or that they're missing!

I think you selected two incredible shots and I adore the look on the baby's face. Just like a baby bird, as you said - so sweet!

Killlashandra said...

What a beautiful expression on the newborns face!

MangyCat said...

Love the newborn shot. He's like a little bird. So sweet!

And the image of the teenage boy is fabulous. Well done!

By the way, I adore your blog header--the girl with the stickers. That's cute as all get out.

Hey, thanks for commenting on my entry this week! :o)

Vanessa said...

Great entries! And your blog header is AWESOME!

jennykate77 said...

Wow! Two really great pictures! Love them both!

lindsay said...


Christina said...

Oh yes, the guitar one is so wonderful! I remember loving it the first time, and I do again now. And the baby - TOO sweet. I agree that there are a lot of poorly done b&w out there...but o good conversion is just wonderful!

Heidi said...

Both photos are exceptional! That baby's expression is full of personality, and I love the mood of the guitar photo.

Adrienne Zwart said...

I love both pictures, but the one of your friend's son is my favorite. I love how the light accentuates his hat. His expression is great, too. I can tell how much he loves to play.

Amanda said...

both entries are amazing!

Untypically Jia said...

Wow. I'm just blown away completely!

Christi said...

Wow! That's all I can say. Wow! Love the look on the baby's face and your adult entry is stunning.

Betsy said...

I love newborn faces! SO expressive.
Nice balance in the guitar pic too.

Annette said...

Lovely shots. The baby photo is amazing. I like your analogy of a baby bird, completly dependent.

The lighting in your adult shot is fabulous, adds so much to the pic.


Beautiful shoot great capture
I love the baby's expression !

Antoinette Marie said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment...i've been wanting more traffic for a while now and it makes me want to do more posts now...i thought the same of the baby too when i first seen it, that of a baby bird, but more innocent and inspiring...what a the other pic with the guitar too! blessings...

Anonymous said...

I think these are both great. I love the newborn expression.

Bling - our elf on the shelf said...

Oh my, both youre entries are stunning!

Michelle Leigh said...

Both are really great entries. That newborn shot is beautiful. Very unique. Great job!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Oh my goodness Corey ~ that baby photo just completely melts my heart. Priceless!

And your adult entry is fantastic as well. He must love having that image of himself. :)

co-founder of iHeartFaces

Drew said...

Wow! Your blog is chock full of amazing photos. That infant photo makes me so happy and sad at the same time. Happy because it makes me think of my kiddos at that age...I saw that craning neck look too. Sad because I'm not having anymore. I'll never see that look again in a child of my own. :( It's really neat that you captured that moment in time.

I love your adult photo too. I'm surprised this is your first time entering in that category. It's really good! Very natural and nicely composed.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow..amazing pictures! AMAZING!
~Sandy toe

Tabitha Blue said...

VERY cool... I love those entries!! That baby is way cute! That little face and neck, love it!!


Bryce's momma said...

I have a similar baby one with my baby raising up on his dad's I thought the same "baby bird" thing. I love the both of these. you are destined to be a winner this week! I forgot to tell fav above of the dance post is the last in the series. I like how she has her hip cocked up. She is shaking her groove thing! lol Beautiful!

Dot O said...

I love both entries. The first is so sweet, and the second one speaks to me - both of my kids are into music and I've told them repeatedly I want to take photos of them playing their instruments. You've inspired me to do it soon!

Gabensysmom said...

Gorgeous entries, LOVE!

*Just Jen* said...

Both are great pictures, but the first one is officially my new fave!

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