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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ Dinner Time





For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

21 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm hungry now...

tiarastantrums said...

BEAUTIFUL shaved cheese!

Aly @ Lip Zip said...

It's almost midnight here but I'm starving after looking at these pictures!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

yummy! great pictures :)

Anonymous said...

okay i am hungry

Marcelle said...

Yummy yummy yummy...its breakfast time but I would eat that in a flash!!!

Marcelle said...

Photo's are so clear...wondering how you do it...

Janet said...

Oh Yum! Now that looks tasty! MMMM!

jams o donnell said...

Delicious. I've just had breakfast but now I want cheese! Happy WW

Cascia Talbert said...

That looks good! It doesn't help that my stomach is grumbling because I haven't had breakfast yet.

AnnD said...

What a great idea to put the cheese on top! I wuold have never thought of that!

Christina said...

what time is dinner? I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm! Love that cheese shot!

Gayle said...

You have such interesting ideas for photos. You make me wish I could cook!

Tanya said...


Killlashandra said...

Fred Meyer strikes again. You know that's the one store my parents and I miss from Seattle. They just carry different stuff from walmart and I wish they were here in NM that's for sure. Looks a scrumptious dinner to me. :)

Maude Lynn said...

As Karen said, now I'm hungry!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Girl, you're making my stomach growl with those!! YUM-O.

holly said...

that looks so much cooler than anything i've eaten for dinner in weeks.

so wait. the day was wordless? no one said 'yum'?

[it's been so long since i had cheese i can't remember what it tastes it good still?]

Anonymous said...

Works for me! :D

tommie said...

Girlie you are bringing back memories, we had a Fred Meyer when we lived in Alaska. I didn't even know they had them in the lower 48. Where do you live??

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