Do me a favor.....take a good look at this photo, and tell me what you see? What stands out?
Is it a certain letter that draws your eye? or do you somehow....someway see a word?
Does your brain play tricks on you? When you see a jumble of letters, does it try to make sense of it, and form a word in your mind even though it is not there?
If you are all looking at me like I'm insane, that's okay. I was just curious.
I snapped this photo in the office of a coworker a few weeks ago, and every time I look at it my eye travels from the red "A", to the yellow "B" and "Y", and the orange "D". Immediately my brain says, "Birthday!" EVERY TIME.
It reminds me of the email that goes around with a paragraph with all the words scrambled, but we can totally read it. As long as the first letter, some of the middle, and the last letter are right, our brain makes sense of the chaos, and we can totally read it.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Maybe it is just me....and I am weird. That's okay too!
15 Live It or Love It:
I didn't notice that - just the vibrancy of the colors
I see tan at the top of the letters. Then my mind plays Boggle and I see I think I want a tan. I'm weird, too.
I saw birthday as well! It's funny what our minds do to make sense of something.
As a "reformed" dyslexic (13 years of therapy, thankyouverymuch), I understand where you're coming from here. AND, I love your snap, as usual!
Okay, I didn't notice that but the word "TAN" did jump out at me! Perhaps that's what I need right now! :)
I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, and now I totally see it! :)
I saw Matano and word. Don't ask me how, I can't explain it-- but I did nOT catch birthday. What a fun idea for PSF!
Alright I have to agree with you. When I first looked at it I thought it was some code way of inviting you to a birthday party. But then it's Friday and maybe the tired brain just sees things strangely some days. ;)
I didnt notice the word but I DO love the pic!
I saw the two read letters, and my brain had a tug of war -- I kept wanting to believe it said "am" but a voice in the back of my head kept screaming "That's not an "M" -- it's an upside down "W"!"
Apparently you aren't the only weird one around here.
AWESOME post--you're always so unique! I saw TAN, too, and it makes me feel rather noncreative. But at least I'm honest!
The first thing I notice is the colors. Then the letters make me think: vitamin.
I was searching for something because you asked us to and then, ya know what? it looks like j-u-n-o juno, yeah there it is a commonly used word! :)
You have the coolest co-worker ever! I heard she's hot too. :) I had no idea that you took that pic...was it during our FST meeting last month? Must have been. I'm gonna be on the look-out for you snapping pics from now on. At least you didn't get a pic of the huge mess of books and papers in my office. See you Thursday!
You're SO not weird... and I think that email is so cool... it's amazing how fast I can read through it even though I know it's not the right words!
Oh and btw, I saw the letter TAN stand out. Though they are in the right order, that's what popped out to me right away and immediately my mind went to summer... the longing for hanging out by the pool with a nice tan just bubbled over!
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