Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Tabitha @ FreshMommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.
“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.”~Lao Tzu
25 Live It or Love It:
A great thought to keep in mind!
Now that's a really special one!!! ♥
So true.
AWESOME!!!!!! I love Sundays!
Ohhh, I LIKE this a LOT! And come to think of it, I did dream of water, both calm and turbulent, last night. Great quote!
Ya! That's so true!
Great picture with a great citar!
That is so very true! This is why I wear a necklace that say's "what you think you become" ~ Buddha
Your blog & photography is wonderful! Glad to meet you!
Awesome :)
Oh Corey, this is wonderful!! That quote is so good, so insightful too!! Thanks for joining in! I love your photo choice to go with the quote.
OMG.... love this quote... so inspirational... and the picture, is awesome too!
Beautiful picture and I must admit this quote really hits home with me right now. I'm trying to do something that I've had my heart on for a while and I keep doubting myself. Thank you for posting this.
What an inspirational quote! That's one of my new favorites. Thanks for sharing!
That's a fantastic quote!
what a great action shot....and more importantly a super quote! nice work! blessings...
What a neat shot and a great quote!
That is a cool shot! Good words to keep in mind, too.
What a lovely quote!
Ohhhhh - I need to tattoo that thought on my forehead ... it's a good one!
Hello Corey,
I love that image and the quote.
Nicely done. Trusting your well
Terrific quote!
Very inspirational and a good reminder :)
Fabulous photo and quote!! LOVE IT!
It's been awhile since I have been over, so glad I found my way back!
great capture! so cool!
Fabulous! LOVE the quote and the pic!
Ah, the photo that refreshes. I've always loved H20 shots. I tried taking a snap of the water droplets coming off my sprinkler a couple weeks ago, and it came out well. But nothing like this-you're a PRO!
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