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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ Drops of Color








For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

28 Live It or Love It:

Sara Elizabeth said...

What beautiful drops of color! How did you do that? Those almost look like those beads you can buy to go in vases. They are beautiful photos! I have never seen anything like that before.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Jennifer @ Quiverfull Family said...

Oh my! That is insanely amazing! Gorgeous and to my untrained eyes, incomprehensible!

Unknown said...

Nice photos :)

Happy WW!

More Than Words said...

You must have one of those awesome cameras!! LOL!!

Love the pictures!! Very nice!!

Anya said...

Very special shots :)

Janet said...

Jeepers! Those are INCREDIBLE! Well done - where do you get your ideas from?

Melissa aka Equidae said...

nice how did u do that

kayerj said...


just another mother said...

I'm with everyone else, I know u have a DSLR.... but what settings did you use??? AMAZING!!! Great captures!!

Happy WW!!

Aspiemom said...

That's awesome! However did you capture them! Were they beads resting on something, ie a leaf? The color is them is fantastic!

AnnD said...

Amazing (and kind of "trippy" too)! Are they water or some sort of glass structures?

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jams o donnell said...

What amazing photos! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Did you do that with water? Nice.

Autumn said...

OMG Core these are friggen awesome! I can't wait to hear the explanation tomorrow on tell me Thursday. You are doing that right? I will have to hunt you down and make you tell me if you don't. LOL :P

Beth F said...

Okay -- those are amazing! I must not look, or I'll be forced to move up to DSLR.

Anonymous said...

In my next life, I want to come back as you!

Donetta said...

Beautiful Corey just stunning!
Hope your having an awesome day!

tiarastantrums said...

wow - fantastic - what is the backdrop?

Staci A said...

What amazing photos! They are beautiful!

tommie said...

are those water droplets on a CD or DVD? I have

tommie said...

oops...I have tried to take some like that. Did NOT turn out close to as amazing as these are!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!

Joanna said...

Are you kidding with these?! These are excellent!! I love the order you put them in too because as I was scrolling down, they got closer...and closer...And I loved each one more than the last. :0) Great shots!

Christina said...

Oh Corey, wow! How incredible. I'm guessing the water droplets are on a cd? amazing that something so simple can be so mind blowingly beautiful.

Cheryl said...

Very cool. I would love to see those blown up large in some sleek metal frames. Are you going to devulge your secrets?
I'm off to Thursday's post to find out!

Chris said...

WOW! I've been out of touch for a few days -- and YOU have been busy!

Corey, those are some of the coolest images I have ever seen!

Secret Agent Mama said...


Tabitha Blue said...

These are SO awesome Corey... I really can't wait to try that technique!


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