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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ Anything Can Happen!







For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

40 Live It or Love It:

mrsmouthy said...

That last picture is PRICELESS. You've blown me away once again!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Cool! I love the progression of photos. I thought it was a regular sized frog, until I went through the series. Very neat!

And of course, my favorite is the last one!!

Just Jinny said...! The last one made me laugh. So cute.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

wow!! these are amazing! i didnt get how small that thing was till I saw it with her face in the picture-too cute!

love the last one-my fave!

what lens did you use?

Momstart said...

That's tiny, and amazing that she likes it

Molly said...

So great! That last shot should be on a card or something. Totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! LOVE it!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I LOVE THESE! I have never seen such a tiny little frog. The one of the frog on your little girl's nose is so cute.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Autumn said...

OMG! That last picture may just be my most favorite picture you have EVER taken. LOL!! Man I love that girls spirit! Can't wait to hear the story behind this one. :P

Danielle said...

Those pictures are beautiful and fun too! Now how in the world did you get the frog on her nose to stay still? Here is my Wordless Wednesday!

tiarastantrums said...

are you kidding me? that little tiny froggie was in the first photo?? girl did you ever tell me your lens??

Staci A said...

Amazing photos! The last one is absolutely perfect!

Angela said...

He's tiny!! And what an awesome last shot.

Paige said...


just another mother said...

wow - those are amazing. you're soooo talented. I come back often to see your pics!!!! happy WW!!!

Marcelle said...

I always get this surge of excitement fill my body when I come over to your blog...your photo's are outstanding...I have no idea how you get them to be so clear and so good....okay..YOU ARE GOOD!!!
These photo's are brilliant, they are so interesting and well captured...
I feel I have so much to learn after looking at these photo's...

Ingrid said...

Beautiful shots ! I never imagined that the frog was sooooo tiny, lol !

Dora said...

I must say she is very brave to put it on her nose. Though small, some of us are scare of it.

Janet said...

Oh Corey! That is precious! I LOVE frogs and this is so tiny! Didn't Sugar find that creepy? I don't know if my girl would have held a frog like that. Stunning photographs!

catsynth said...

I didn't realize how tiny the flog was at first, until I saw it "to scale" in the last photos. Nicely done!

MaR said...

Gorgeous shots and beautifully composed!!
Happy WW!
Mine is up

Americanising Desi said...

very neat :)

Happy WW


Pretty Life Online said...

cool catch for wordless... mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy WW!

Gayle said...

THAT is a small frog!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

absolutely lovely! don't remember seeing such a small frog before

AnnD said...

I love them all but the last one, oh the last one is just awesome!!!

I am Harriet said...

wow. how tiny!

I am Harriet said...

wow. how tiny!

I am Harriet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth Cotell said...

I love that tiny little frog AND that last photo!

I think you should make it your blog header photo.

Brooke said...

Wonderful shots as always.. but ooo ooo that last one is just adorable

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that last picture!!! Sugar is so cute! I thought it was a regular sized frog, too. It's so tiny!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Great frog photos. I love the last shot. too cute.

Beth F said...

OMG he is sooooo cute. And I love the last shot -- so funny.

JC said...

Those are some WOW shots, for sure! I always leave here with a smile :-)

jams o donnell said...

Superb photos. THe last is delightful!

Maude Lynn said...

These are AMAZING!

Cheryl said...

I really like the last two shots. You're really making me want a macro.

Tabitha Blue said...

Corey these are amazing!! What a tiny little frog! I LOVE that 5th shot (the second to the last one). It is so cool and SB eye is just too cute as a background!!


Unknown said...

These are fun! Such a tiny fellow! Did she kiss him?!

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