There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

You may have seen this photo before. Previously, I shared the photo during a Team-Up Thursday project back in early March. Since then, I have found myself strangely drawn back to it as I flip through my photo files. There is just something about this shot that captures my eye, and makes my mind start to wander.
That's what it says.....EAT IT ALL.

When presented with Ice Cream, certainly many of us find ourselves easily partaking in the entire cone. We don't have to be reminded to finish our scrumptious treat. We happily devour every last bite, with a smile on our satisfied little faces. Food....and especially TREATS are not often wasted in this society of ours. You only have to take a quick look around to see that we usually seem to EAT IT ALL, and then some.

But my question is this.....are we just as thorough with our day to day life as we are with our ice cream? Do we take each moment of our day like a lick of the cone, and eagerly lap up the opportunities like the drips of the melting ice cream? Are we just as determined to EAT IT ALL, when we are accepting the everyday life we have been so miraculously given?

Sometimes I find myself needing to slow down, take a look around and see what I'm missing. Between bites of this.....and I taking the time to enjoy what I just ingested?

There are people who so arrange their lives that they feed themselves only on side dishes. ~José Ortega y Gasset

EAT IT ALL......what does that mean to me?
What does that mean to YOU?

You may have seen this photo before. Previously, I shared the photo during a Team-Up Thursday project back in early March. Since then, I have found myself strangely drawn back to it as I flip through my photo files. There is just something about this shot that captures my eye, and makes my mind start to wander.
That's what it says.....EAT IT ALL.

When presented with Ice Cream, certainly many of us find ourselves easily partaking in the entire cone. We don't have to be reminded to finish our scrumptious treat. We happily devour every last bite, with a smile on our satisfied little faces. Food....and especially TREATS are not often wasted in this society of ours. You only have to take a quick look around to see that we usually seem to EAT IT ALL, and then some.

But my question is this.....are we just as thorough with our day to day life as we are with our ice cream? Do we take each moment of our day like a lick of the cone, and eagerly lap up the opportunities like the drips of the melting ice cream? Are we just as determined to EAT IT ALL, when we are accepting the everyday life we have been so miraculously given?

Sometimes I find myself needing to slow down, take a look around and see what I'm missing. Between bites of this.....and I taking the time to enjoy what I just ingested?

There are people who so arrange their lives that they feed themselves only on side dishes. ~José Ortega y Gasset

EAT IT ALL......what does that mean to me?
What does that mean to YOU?

Life isn't just the side isn't just the main course, and it certainly isn't just the TREATS! It is everything.....ALL of it, and it is my job to EAT IT ALL.

I don't want to be 80-some years old and look back at my life only to see that I missed something....or LOTS of somethings. I want to feel like I accepted graciously what came my way, and partook in the goodness that it was.

I want to fully engage in every moment. I want to savor the flavor of my life. See the beauty.....feel the feelings......learn the lessons.

Quite possibly the biggest lessons of all: While "eating it all" is important.......sharing it with others is all the more. No one says we have to do it alone. Take someone special with you. You both will be better for it, of this I am sure.

You find yourselves blessed, and your hearts will be FULL!
7 Live It or Love It:
What an outstanding analogy and an awesome message :) Thanks for sharing... and, as always, the photos are priceless. She is so precious!!
I'm with you on this one...wonderful way of showing this...
*Hello Sugar Bear* ( Marcy is waving )
Oh I love this!!! Fun!!!!
Oh Corey, I LOVE this reminder and the way you shared from your heart. The photos made me smile while I was also looking at my life to see what I might be missing out on... sometimes I just way to task oriented. Today I'm definitely going to EAT IT ALL!!
Well put Corey. It is so easy to just go through the motions. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and enjoy the ride.
I totally agree...I don't want to miss anything either, but it always feels as if I am. (That icecream looks so good).
Okay, now that was one awesome post! Love the analogy, Corey, and how well you expressed it. I too want to eat it ALL...but right now it's bedtime and I want to SLEEP thu it all. :o)
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