WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back on October I saw on idea on Treasures for Tots.....who saw the idea on Trey and Lucy and I couldn't help but try it. Back on December I made a dishtowel Tunic for Sugar Bear using some Santa dishtowels I found at Target in the Dollar Spot. She and I both loved it. I neglected to get a post up about it, though.

Then Easter was coming up, and I ran across a set of bunny towels at Big Lots and couldn't help but try another little holiday tunic. They are a snap to make....and Sugar says they are comfortable.

A BIG bonus is that she can clean up spills in a jiffy. tee hee.....

I realized that this little idea is not for everyone. Some folks will think I'm NUTS for dressing my child in dish towels, but let me just say.......a holiday outfit for less than $3, that my child loves......that is totally worth a few strange looks.

I mean....she only gets to wear it a few times......so I don't want to spend a fortune on the fabric. This is such a quick and simple solution. And totally unique. IF it hadn't been raining cats and frogs, and IF we had been able to attend the Easter Egg Hunt I had hoped we would, she would have most definitely been the only one there in THIS little outfit.

Oh and photo opportunities we missed. But that's okay.....cause it came in handy to dry the Easter dinner dishes. tee hee....just kidding.
12 Live It or Love It:
hehehe! double duty attire! I think that's super cute...and hmmmm, I'm thinking 4th of July!
That is adorable.
I love the idea. Not just for day wear but after the holiday using it to just pull over regular clothes while working with paint or other messy play. SO MUCH FUN! I wish I could sew like you. I can barely sew in a straight line! :) In fact I think Taylor gave me a D in home ec. LOL
I think you such a creative mommy and always surprise me with your ideas, who cares what anyone thinks anyway...she looks great and loves it...thats all that matters.
I think sugar looks adorable in anything she wears anyway.
Love the new poses she is coming up with lately and that smile just melts my heart.
Brilliant idea - and very cute at that! Hmm! Cool boots too Mum!
LOL - I LOVE it! And after she outgrows the tunic, you can just turn it back into dishtowels again too - so handy!
Okay, now THAT is thinking outside the box! It turned out beautifully. :)
She is so so spunky, I love it!
Great idea. You can't beat a $3 outfit.
Very cute idea. My Olivia would wear just about anything if it was made by her Mama!
She is definitely a photographer's daughter - she's like a professional model with those poses! She gets cuter and cuter.
Ok, Corey, that is just WAYYYY to cute!! Love it. I want one for my girl! :)
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