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Saturday, March 19, 2011

52 Weeks of ME- Week Twelve

Theme of the week:


I haven't played with textures in ages....and it isn't really something I've very good at. I gave it a go this week though....and couldn't decide between these two shots, so I'm just posting them both. What the heck, right? They were both taken on Thursday. One with the timer in my office, and one is handheld outside.



I can't wait to see what the other folks do. :)

Be sure to head on over to visit Jessie and Cara to see all the fabulous ladies taking part in this cool project.

5 Live It or Love It:

Nickolaus Cave said...

I love the second shot! Amazing.

Marcelle said...

I LOVE TEXTURE PHOTO'S so you know that I just LOVE both these photo's...there is something about the look of texture I am crazy about.

Cara said...

I love the second shot, you are just way to cute!

Jen said...

The texture on both shots are awesome, but I agree with everyone look too cute in that second photo.

Anonymous said...

Great texture shots. I had no idea what to put up, so I tried something. I like your 1st picture and I love the logo

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