ACK! I've let myself get behind again. I ALWAYS take the pics. ALWAYS, but haven't really been on my computer much recently, and find myself so behind on the editing, and blogging. I soooooooooo need to catch up. This is from ages ago, it seems.
March 19th was a "go here do this" sort of day. It was a week of half day classes for the Sugar and suddenly, there was no bussing. Luckily, I have wonderful friends. I took this shot downtown when I went to pick up Sugar Bear. I love daffodils. They certainly remind me of Spring. After this shot, we headed back to work, and Sugar Bear accompanied me to an evening meeting for my work. She was a big helper, and even helped me present my Dental training in front of strangers. This was a BIG step for my shy girl.
March 20th was the beginning of "observation week" at the dance school. I have to great pleasure of getting to see my little honey dance. I always look forward to this time of the year, so that I can nab some shots of her dancing. :) Here she is in her recital costume. They were trying them on for the first time. She was so excited to get to choose the color this year. Blue is by far her favorite color.

March 21st.....ummmm....was a Wednesday. That's pretty much all I remember of it. I know I took this photo of an enchilada dish I made in my pressure cooker. I had forgotten to get a shot during the rest of the a dinner shot it was. I love this dish. So easy.

March 22nd was the last day of Observation. I adore this shot I got of Sugar dancing. I take 62 bazillion, and finally get the shot I was looking for. ♥ This time of year.....Sugar Bear grows a bit tired of dance class. I just tell her we are on the home stretch, and she makes it through. Can't wait for recital.

March 23rd was the Friday before Spring Break. I had planned to have Sugar Bear go to my brother's house after school to play with her cousins so that I could go see The Hunger Games movie. brother fell ill. I had to make some last minute pleas from friends, and someone came through. I feel like I'm always the one asking favors, and I hope that someday I can repay them. My nieces and SIL were sad that Sugar didn't come over, and asked us to stop by real quick. They had made this chalk art for her before they found out she wasn't coming. I grabbed a quick shot of Sugar with the art. It was awesome.

March 24th was a stay home and get things done sort of Saturday (as far as I can remember). I do know that Sugar Bear entertained herself with her Bendaroos nearly all afternoon. She made this cute little scene. It says, "What a life for a flower".

March 25th we met a friend, and attended a local show called, "Little Ol' Big Band". It was great. We had a chance to see two friends and an acquaintance perform. This photo is of a beautiful friend of ours belting out her song. What a treat. Afterwards, we went out to dinner together. It was a perfect sort of Sunday.
2 Live It or Love It:
I adore recital time - so much excitement? She is such a beauty
Sugar Bear looks like a dancing pro. You are so dedicated with these weekly recaps. I love them!!
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