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Sunday, May 3, 2009

I ♥ Faces~ HATS

I am so pleased to have made the Top Ten last week for the photo of my reflection in the mirror Sugar Bear was holding. It almost makes the excruciating experience worth it. ALMOST.

This week's theme is HATS! I knew straight away which photo I would be using. I fell in love with Miss Sugar this past Halloween, as a cowgirl. She was just the sweetest thang.....don't you think?


I'd also like to enter the following photograph in the Adult category. That photo shoot remains my favorite of all time.


I look forward to seeing some really great shots this week of folks in HATS. Come on over with me!

67 Live It or Love It:

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Oh my word...things don't get much cuter than your little gal! Your adult entry is fantastic as well. :)

co-founder of iHeartFaces

ellieshine said...

cute, cute, cute! photo of your daughter - yes she is an adorable cowgirl! love your adult entry too! Great work.

Mireille said...

These are both such a great entries, well done!!

Mireille said...

These are both such a great entries, well done!!

Pam D said...

Well, I was gonna say "oh my word!", but that's already taken. So, I'll just say "WOW!" That's one cute l'il cowgirl! And the adult entry is excellent, too! Great job...

Major.Sunshine said...

ADORABLE!!! Bet she just had a ton of fun in that hat :)

Melissa said...

She sure is the sweetest thang!

Great pictures!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Gayle said...

I still love that photo shoot, also. Especially the one of mother/son. Cute one of Sugar!

Rebecca said...

I really love both entries... A LOT! Your kids entry is sooooooo cute and your adult entry is great as well.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

That kids photo is stunning. I love it.

Erica said...

the child one is adorable and i love the colors & clarity of it!

Janet said...

Oh what a cute Cowgirl! Love those freckles! LOL!

Jo said...

Both are awesome! The freckles are a perfect touch!

the monkeys' mama said...

I love them both but your kids entry is wonderful! Great work!

Julie Rivera said...

I am so stealing that costume idea! She is awesome! And your adult entry is wonderful because you can tell his personality from your picture. I yearn to do senior work for this very reason!

Annette said...

Those are the cutest cowgirl freckles! Great adult shot. I remember you posting one similar to it before. It must have been a great shoot, because the photos capture the emotion. I always enjoy your work.

Oh yes, LOVE the analogy of the "you must have a really great typewriter" story from your last post. Too true.

McKay Family said...

Both shots are great. I especially love the adult entry.

Jessi said...

Your daughter is a doll, great shot. The adult entry is wonderful, is this a senior picture? Very cool, I am sure he was very happy with this shot.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

What a great hat picture, I love it!
I love the adult entry too, I remember seeing those pictures before-they were all great!! I can see why that was one of your favorites.

tiarastantrums said...

Love those shots this week

Momo Fali said...

So cute! When my daughter went as a cowgirl it was my favorite Halloween costume...ever! I did the same thing with the freckles.

Christina said...

She sure is the sweetest thang around! Those freckles are too much. :o) The adult one is fantastic too - that whole session rocked!

Brooke said...

Love the cowboy hat on your little girl! Beautful pictures - both kid and adult entries. Congrats on Top 10 last week.....everyone was so creative with their entries, it was inspiring for me.

Upstatemamma said...

OH she is too sweet!! I love the freckles. :) And that adult picture is beautiful. I can see why it is your favorite.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that shot of your little girl is SO so cute!

Shae said...

your adults entry is amazing! I love the chocolate color and he has a wonderful expression. This is one of my favorites. Oh, yeah, and thank you for the wonderful comment on mine!

Tina Smith Photography said...

Both entries are great but the little girl wins "hats down" she is adorable!

Unknown said...

She is a cute little THANG isn't she!?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I really like the last one.

Sarah said...

Great photos!! The little girl is just a doll!

Tanya said...

aww she is as cute as a button!!

inkyblog said...

those freckles are sooo cute!!!

Crystal Rae said...

Her eyes are so big and blue, but I'm loving the theme there. :)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Both are great shots. Your daughter is just too stinking cute.

Heidi said...

Great shots! I had to scroll through your photos and have to say-- nice work! I enjoyed looking through the pictures.

Shonni said...

They are both great, she is soooo cute in the 1st pic.!!!

Laura said...

I am partial to the cowboy hat myself. Great pictures!

Tess said...

What great entries! I love that Cowboy hat!

AP Mommy said...

She is too cute! Great pictures both of them!

Kimberly Petty said...

Really good pictures! love the freckles just like everyone else. You really get to know the person in the adult entry by including his interest in Music. I think it was a wonderful choice. Thanks for stopping my my blog.

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh I just adore Sugar Bear!!!!


Nichole said...

Awww! I love her little freckles!!!!

Aunt Julie said...

I tip my hat to you once again...super superior shots!

Maude Lynn said...

I remember the photos from the shoot for that second picture. They are all gorgeous!

Femin Susan said...

Cute cute! photo of your daughter.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Wow those pictures are great! Your daughter looks adorable as a cow girl, and the guy in the adult entry is cute too. :) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little gal their, fantastic job.

B Dad

Heather said...

Oh, your little one is adorable! And your adult entry-- just as lovely!

Unknown said...

Wow! She is so cute! I love the freckles and and red hanky! It fits so well with the hat! Super adorable!

Seasonsmom said...

Found your site today thru Iheart faces. Am bookmarking it. Love both shots a lot!

In Earnest said...

the first one is adorable, and the second is classic. So crisp!

Alicia W. said...

Those are both sooooo good!

Amazing Greis said...

What a cute COWGIRL! Yeehaw!

AJ said...

Awesome entries!

Mandi said...

I love your photos. The freckles are so cute!

AshleyS said...

beautiful shots!

kleineklein said...

These are fantastic! You're little girl is so precious.

Trisha said...

That first picture is ADORABLE!!! :)

Mrs. McFadden said...

what a precious little lady you have there! great photos.

Sonja said...

Both are beautiful. I particularly drawn to the second. I love the contrast and think the composition is perfect.

Oh that little cowgirl is A-dorable!

jennifer said...

i think i visit you every week! in fact, i know i do!

Childlife said...

Oh, my WORD! What a cute little freckle-face!

Thanks for continuing to stop by my place even in my shlump -- you make my day, you know! ;)


Carebear said...

Love them both! I can't say I've ever seen a cuter cowgirl, and what a photogenic teenager! Great composition, loving the black&white conversion. I ALWAYS enjoy your entries!

Puna said...

Congratulations! She's as cute as a button.

Unknown said...

Your entries are always so great! :-) I look forward to them every week -- and congrats on top 10 AGAIN! :-) (well deserved my friend!)

Unknown said...

Such perfect hat pictures! Congratulations on your win : ).

Karen Schneider said...

Great picture - she is adorable and I LOVE the composition - congrats on your win!!

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