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Sunday, May 10, 2009

I ♥ Faces~ Laughter

I am totally Thrilled to have made it in the Top Ten with my photo of Sugar Bear the Cowgirl last week.   Woo Hoo!  I have feels good.  I just knew she was the sweetest little honey in that shot.  ♥

This week, I am so very pleased to see that the theme is LAUGHTER!  What a fun theme.  I am excited to see all the pics this week.  True laughter is such a beautiful thing.  I don't get the chance to capture it all that often, but when I really blesses my heart.  

The photo I chose for the Kids Category, is one I took last August of Miss Sugar.  We were on the 3 and a half year portrait hunt, and I was pulling out all the stops to get the genuine smile.  I'm not even sure what I said, but it sure made her laugh.  I adore this photo because it is an unbridled, heart felt laugh from my girl.


For the Adult Category, I am excited to enter a photo of one of my very good friends and her son.  We were trying to get some shots of them together, but it was so hard to find a pose that didn't look like they were dating.  In my opinion she doesn't look old enough to have an 18 year old son.  I asked him to sit on his mothers lap, and the giggles started.  I just kept snapping, and this one has them both completely in the moment.  Full of Laughs!


I'm so very ready to head over to I ♥ Faces, and spread the joy. Come on over!

35 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

Capturing a moment of joy is awesome. Perfect shots for the theme!

Tabitha Blue said...

These are just so joyful and sincere! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sugar Bear... she is a doll!

Anonymous said...

These are great and I really love the lighting, dof and composition of the second one.

Josie said...

Great shot, love the the laughter of the kiddo pic, and I really like the adult pic.

Ter said...

great photos!

Anonymous said...

I love both of your entries. I wish I could take pictures like that -- I'm just a stay at home mom who loves to take pictures.

Janet said...

Oh what happy photographs! I love them! Wish I knew what made Sugar Bear giggle so happily!

Marcelle said...

Sugar bear has a great laugh - in all your photo's of her not only this one, am sure you are going to do well...and congratulations on getting into the Top 10..thats awesome, but your photo's are really good.

Love the mother and son shot as well and you right she doesnt look old enough to have a 18 year old son...

Sandra Chetwynd said...

These are great photos.. so much fun! Fits into the Laughter theme very well!

the monkeys' mama said...

Wow! i love your kids entry!

Christina said...

I just knew you'd have a great entry for LAUGHTER - and you didn't dissapoint! I can hear the joy from here! said...

Love the last one with her big old teen boy on her lap, lost in laughter. That actually tugs at my heart a bit!


Alicia W. said...

Great entries this week as always. I look forward to your posts.

Donetta said...

Oh Cory I just love your passion!
I think your just a gem.

Anonymous said...

They are both great photos! Great captures.


Taylor said...

Wow, these are both so wonderful! Beautiful shots.

Joy Taylor said...

The kids shot cracks me up!

Annette said...

As always, beautiful shots. I like how the light in the background of the adult shot, draws your eye directly into the subject. Very nice.

laura said...

I loved both pictures but I spent a minute looking at all your other posts on your blog - simply gorgeous dandelions & I loved looking at the pictures of your lab. They are tack-sharp. You've gotta put up more camera 411 so we can all learn from you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! IMHO, you should be in the top 10 EVERY week. Your pictures are out of this world!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I love these. I especially love the first one. She looks so happy.

Mine us @

Rebekah said...

Those both are great pictures!! I really love the laughter in the first picture!

Carmen said...

Both pictures are just great....I love them!

Aunt Julie said...

I can see the pure happiness spilling out of each print. I think you're sharpest when you're capturing emotion, no?

.:: WMP ::. said...

WOW! You can really feel the laughing in both of these pics!!! Its definitely contagious - couldn't help but smile to myself when I saw them both!!!
Such awesome pics!

Carrie said...

I am smiling from ear to ear! Both of these photos are amazing! And I love the stories behind each of them. And I agree, your friend doesn't nearly look old enough to have an 18 year old.
Great entries!

jenifriend - friendphotog photography said...

nice job corey! these pictures are fantastic!!

tiarastantrums said...

oh a good hearty laugh!!

Michelle said...

GREAT pictures for laughter!

Mandi said...

Both of these are great entries. I LOVE your kids photo!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Oh, so cute! Sugar Bear's laugh is spot on. Great capture.

Leia said...

Both entries are gorgeous! I really love the adult entry.

Tabitha Blue said...

Congrats on being in the top ten!!!! Awesome girl!


Unknown said...

Of course these are amazing as always! :-) CONGRATS on top 10 this week!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Yay, not just top ten, top five young lady. I loved that shoot, and Sugar's pic is hilarious. x

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