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Sunday, May 24, 2009

i ♥ Faces~ Silhouettes

Most of my regular readers will have seen this photo of me and Sugar Bear before, but when the theme of Silhouettes came up over at I ♥ Faces, I couldn't resist this shot. 


I set this shot up after MUCH searching for the perfect spot to master a silhouette. I meant to take another one last summer but never made the time. I am totally MAKING time this summer. I have some fun ideas swirling in my little head. 

I can't wait to see all the fun silhouettes over at I ♥ Faces this week. Silhouettes are the bomb.

46 Live It or Love It:

Janet said...

Oh Wow! That is lovely - I can see Sugar Bear's laughing face! Really a stunning photograph! Have a great week!

magiceye said...

brilliant shot!

Melissa G said...

So beautiful!

Berta said...

That is BEAUTIFUL! What a KEEPSAKE! Sugar Bear hit the 'jackpot' when she got you as a mother!

Maude Lynn said...

This is freaking amazing, Corey!

Michelle said...

it always amazes me how you seem to capture the perfect shots! I can't wait to see what you come up with this summer!

Childlife said...

I love it that even though it's in silhouette, you can still tell both of you are smiling! :D

the monkeys' mama said...

Wow! You framed it so well! Beautiful!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Wonderful! I love the trees framing the shot.

I Heart Faces

Annette said...

She is wearing those cute lacy socks!
Love the trees at the top of the photos. As always, I enjoy your work.

tiarastantrums said...

great shot - I totally don't get how to take these!!

Anonymous said...

Nice job, great shot.

B Dad

Donna said...

This is so beautiful! Hard enough to get one great silhouette but you got two! Really, just lovely!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Taylor said...

Just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I love it! So perfect : ). Magical! Mommy love is so wonderful, isn't it? Every time I come here I am reminded of it!

My Two Seasons said...

What a precious shot! I love the connection between you two! So sweet!

ellieshine said...

Beautiful shot, I love the composition :)

A Family Completed... said...

That's so sweet. So often we see the daddies lifting the kids in the air. I love that it's the mother makes it unique and extra special :)

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

So wonderful but all of your photos make me go "ahhhhhh"

Heasleye said...

This is precious! I love the composition and colors. Wonderful shot!


Denise Karis said...

new reader, havent seen it, LOVE IT!! I love the leaves on the top how they make a pretty border - this is really lovely!

Michelle said...


Carmen said...

This is beautiful....

Mrs. Bird said...

Very nice :)

AJ said...

Very nice work!

jilljohnandhope said...

They are a bit similar! I love yours!

Beth Cotell said...

Very. Cool.

AnnD said...

I do remember that.

I hope it is framed and in your house somewhere! It truly is a piece of art that everyone would appreciate.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Now that is talent! I'm very impressed with how you set up this shot and took it so beautifully without looking through the viewfinder. Wow!

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Karyn said...

What a tender moment! Amazing that a silhouette with no actual detail can be full of emotion! Love the scenery in your shot too, the tree balances the composition very nicely. Reading your more recent post on how NOT to take a silhouette, how does one pitch and capture at the same time? Sounds dangerous, better have a catcher's mask over your lens!! Ha Ha Ha!

Tami Tripp said...

Great shot...I love the silhouette of your son and you holding him. I also love how the tree adds interest. Fun!

Christy said...

Corey, that is a beautiful shot! How cool if you were to set up a silhouette with your daughter every year!

jen said...

i think the best part is that you are in it.
well ... and it's a beautiful shot.
i need to get myself in front of the camera more often.

Leia said...

Beautiful shot.

Foursons said...

I love the clarity of the silouhettes. (sp?)

Anonymous said...

I think that was a wonderful shot! TFS

Niecey said...

This is a really gorgeous image. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm so bummed we found out we don't live in the same state after all--I'd totally hire you to follow me around for a week and take the same fabulous shots of my family. You're SOOOOO talented!

Mandi said...

Looks like great minds think alike in this contest! Ha Ha! Great job.

leslie said...

good luck finding a culvert, I am now off to find a beautiful big ol' tree :) What an amazing shot for you to have, I never manage to make it in any :)

Through My Own Lens said...


Tabitha Blue said...

LOVE it!!! GREAT shot, I want to re-create it too!! Haha. Great choice, just perfect!


In Earnest said...

How cute! You can tell he's so happy even though it's a silhouette.

Tina Smith Photography said...

Beautiful shot!

{krista} said...

I like!

Laurie said...

Great picture! I love the blues!:)

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