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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday Citar~ Myself

Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself." ~Maya Angelou


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Getting Kitty out of the RUT

Last week, I was feeling like I might be losing The Kitty Project" love. I didn't find any of the shots to be interesting. They bored me. This week I dug a little deeper, and tried to find that something in each day to shoot. I think the trouble days aren't all that exciting right now. I'm so very busy at work, and tired and grumpy by the time I get home. I've been sick.....and it has brought my energy WAY down. So while, I still don't love each shot, I did find something of interest this week.
Day 168
(Kitty and I enjoying playing board games with Sugar Bear. It is a relaxing end to a long hard day.)


Day 169
(It didn't take Kitty long to bond with the new wooden dinosaur Sugar and I put together one night between dinner and bedtime.)


Day 170
(It was a day of rejoicing when my friend and I took a nice walk in the sun, over our lunch hour.)


Day 171
(Kitty was trying to help get the tangles out of Sugar's hair after her bath. He wasn't very much help.)


Day 172
(Sometimes we just need a little bit of wisdom shared.)


Day 173
(Hooray for sunny Saturdays, and long nature walks with my girl.)


Day 174
(Kitty was a little hurt we didn't take him to the beach with us, but we brought him back a treasure.)


Hosted by Chris

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Team-up Thursday~ Self-portrait


Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

This week, we were asked if we could all do the same theme of "self-portrait". I'm really excited to see what everyone looks like. I know several were dreading this theme, but in all honesty, I enjoyed taking some time to snap a few of myself. I wanted to show a bit of who I am. It was an easy choice to just grab a book and read in front of my camera on the timer. I have been such a reading fanatic these days. I blogged about my return to the land of pleasure reading HERE. If you look at the very bottom of my blog, on the right side you'll see the list of books I've read since mid-September. Currently, I'm reading, as you can see in the photo, Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil.

There are just not enough words to explain how wonderful it has been to get back to my reading. Other things have taken a back seat, though. There are just not enough hours in the day to do all the things that make me feel happy.


This photo of Berta makes me giggle. I can relate to it so very much. I have quite the little love affair with my camera, as well. I am pretty sure it is safe to say that I have gotten immeasurably more enjoyment, and satisfaction from my camera than from any of the books I have read.

Head on over to Megan's blog to see lots of other self-portrait pairs.

Hey remember this shirt?????


You can win the pattern! Jessica is having a giveaway. Head on over and sign up! You know you want your little honey to be feeling sassy too!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday~I don't think This Bunny trusts me







For more Wordless Wednesday, go HERE and HERE.

What an Honor

Recently I was contacted by a very talented photographer named Farrah Braniff, regarding the shot of Tiny's nose I used for last week's Team-up Thursday. She has been doing a lesson over on her blog all about getting in close. She wondered if she could feature my shot. I was so surprised and honored. After looking through my flickr stream, she asked if she could not only feature that one shot, but several of my works. That had me internally jumping for joy. What a compliment!

I quickly set about getting her what she needed, and she posted it right away. Please, please, please do me the honor of clicking on over to her blog, and leaving a little support over there! It would be such a treat to give her some sort of reward for being so nice to me, right? Let's give her some traffic. Her work is quit lovely. Her work with newborns......sigh, so sweet! Oh and we both like to take pics of kids with nature.

Thank you so much, Farrah, for honoring me!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

i ♥ hands

Deciding which HANDS shot I wanted to share this week was so easy. I don't believe I have shared this shot before, but it is easily one of my favorites. I took this shot almost a year ago, when photographing a senior boy and his girlfriend. I wanted to capture things that were important to them at the time. I wanted to give them a reminder of who they were at this age. While I don't know what these rings mean to them, I do know that this was easily one of their favorite shots I got that day. There is just something so beautiful about it.


They will look back years from now, and be transported back to the intimacy of that time in their life.

Head on over to i ♥ faces to see more hands. What a fun theme this week.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunday Citar~ Good for the Soul

Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Audra Foveo








Friday, February 19, 2010

I don't do hair......

But I'm trying.


With the help of The Story of a Princess and Her Hair. I'll never be as good as she is....but I can aleast start giving more effort!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kitty not so pretty

Uh Oh, folks......hoping I haven't lost my momentum. Hoping this isn't the beginning of the end of my Kitty Project. Hoping to pull through.....

I didn't notice so much until I pulled these all together, and looked at the week, but ick....just ick...these photos are boring and blah.

Day 161

(Kitty joined us in a little bit of homemade playdoh fun!)


Day 162
(Kitty notices some first signs of Spring....and we are giddy!)


Day 163
(It might not surprise you that I take quite a bit of vitamins. Yeah...kitty thinks I nuts.)


Day 164
(Kitty and I love to watch Sugar Bear paint pottery. ♥)


Day 165
(Kitty thinks I need to figure out a way to grocery shop more than once a month. It took us forever on Friday.)


Day 166
(Kitty thinks we should stop wearing clothes....that will solve the never ending laundry problem.)


Day 167
(A special Valentine's surprise for our favorite little five year old in the world.)


Okay....note to self....kitty needs to kick it up a notch. These shots are a snoozer!

Hosted by Chris

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Team-Up Thursday~ Wet

Here we are again!


Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Seriously???? It's Thursday, again. Good Golly the days are just flying by. I can hardly catch my breath these days.

This week, Berta and I chose to focus on the idea of "WET". What a fun theme. I walked around looking at the world in a focused way. It is often really WET around my place. It rains a lot here. A LOT! I wanted my photo to be something unexpected, and in the end, I think I got just that. You might have to look closely, but my sweet little Tiny horse has a WET nose from munching on the damp green grass in our yard. She has been busy working as our lawn mower these days. I love how Berta's delicate photo fits so well with mine.

Nature really is an amazing thing.


If you are interested in seeing more Team-Up Thrusdays, head on over to Megan's blog.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday~ Someone feels sassy in the new shirt her mama made her






(The pattern for this wonderful shirt will soon be available through Jessica, over at Happy Together. She gave me the honor of being a pattern tester once again. Last time it was the OCTOPUS. Jessica is so creative. I'm so thrilled to be given the chance to work with her patterns. ♥)

For more Wordless Wednesday, go HERE and HERE.

Monday, February 15, 2010


-He is an outdoors sort of guy.

-He can fix nearly anything that's broken.

-He can create nearly anything using some wire, a toothpick, a rubber band, and duct tape.

-He loves to try new things.

-He likes to show Sugar Bear how to do the things he loves.

-He doesn't have many fears, but the ones he has, he isn't afraid to talk about them.

-He makes the most amazing breakfast burritos I've ever tasted.

-He isn't afraid to cook with BUTTER....lots of butter.

-He tells me every single day how lucky he is to have ever met me.

-He still thinks I am the most beautiful person he knows.

-He calls me on the phone, "just because", nearly every day.

-He makes the BEST spaghetti in the whole wide world.

-He can make me laugh like no other person I know.

-His giggle makes me feel happy inside.

-He secretly likes "chic flicks".

-He is a kid at heart. ♥

-He isn't afraid to be himself in all situations.

-He knows his limits.

-He has unbelievable physical strength.

-He has an extremely high pain tolerance.

-His smile lights up his face.

-He isn't stingy with his money.

-He'll work diligently towards something he wants until he can get it.

-He refuses to use credit.

-He can be counted on to finish a job he starts.

-He'll pitch in if someone needs help.

-He'll do the difficult things no one else wants to do.

-He could survive in the wilderness with nothing but a pocketknife.

-He isn't afraid of death.

-He does what he wants.

-He loves bunnies! (tee hee)

-He likes it when I read aloud to him in the evenings.

-He trusts me.

-He's been my Valentine NINETEEN times.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I ♥ Faces~ I Wanna Dance

Dance like no one is watching!

This is one of my all time favorite images I have ever taken of Sugar Bear. She is so in the moment, and every time I look at it, I feel FREE.

I feel like letting loose, and getting lost in the music.

I feel like turning up the tunes, and dancing around the living room.

I feel like grabbing a partner, and swinging them around.

I feel like I haven't a care in the world.


How about YOU?

To be even more inspired to get up out of your chair, and let your body free to move to the sound of the music, visit i ♥ faces this week.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Things I love

-a fuzzy blue bathrobe
-pasta carbonara
-watching Sugar Bear sleep
-mystery novels
-maple bars
-listening to Sugar Bear read "Dick and Jane" stories

-velvety doggy ears
-fiber One brand granola bars
-curly hair
-having a new sewing project to look forward to
-chunky baby toes
-dew drops on flowers
-a surprise in the mailbox
-being reunited with Sugar after a long day at work
-dark chocolate
-getting a compliment on my photography
-when The Hubby cooks dinner
-being safe inside when there is a windstorm howling outside
-someone noticing that I've lost weight
-talking to Sugar on the phone when she is at Grandma's house
-making new friends
-an ice cream sandwich
-when The Hubby makes me laugh
-three day weekends
-flannel sheets
-romantic comedies
-sleeping in
-that really soft post on a kitty's chest
-the rolls on the back of a chubby baby's neck
-my camera

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kitty is Random

As many of you guess, I'm just not done with Kitty. When I began this project last September, I had NO idea that I would take this and continue that way I have. One month was my plan, but each and every month, I feel like it just isn't done yet. So....I keep going. The last 3 months, I have had a theme. November was things I was thankful for, December was the alphabet, and January was colors. Right about now, I'm needing to be random, so I quickly decided to just let February be free. As I go about my day, I look for that moment that speaks of my day, my feelings, my moments. It has been good.

Day 154
(Yummmmm.....cookies. Sometimes we just need something sweet to bring a smile back to our faces.)


Day 155
(Big big news! Sugar Bear is reading...I mean REALLY reading. It was sudden, and has been wonderful She reads to ME as we drive in the mornings. I love it....and so does Kitty.)


Day 156
(One of the gifts blogging has given me, is homemade pizza. Beth posted a really easy pizza crust recipe AGES ago, and it has changed my life. ♥)


Day 157
(The Hubby asked me if this was a photo of torture, and sat stunned, as THAT is exactly how I've been feeling about work these days....torture.)


Day 158
(Spending some peaceful moments in the library, all by myself....was a much needed break.)


Day 159
(Sugar and I had such fun working on Crayon hearts for her friends for Valentine's Day this past weekend. It was lovely!)


Day 160
(This day....was truly horrible, and this photo......describes it perfectly. I do mean PERFECTLY! The only thing on my mind was a SNAKE. It was alllllll about a SNAKE! not this tiny little snake, but a bigger snake.....loose in my house....for THREE days!)


So there you have it. My first seven days of February. I was very freeing to have a break from the themes. While the themes have kept me going, and have given my inspiration, I really did need some time to just snap in the moment.

Hosted by Chris

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