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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday~ Oh no we didn't.......








For more Wordless Wednesday, go HERE and HERE.

17 Live It or Love It:

Sue said...

Apparently...OH YES YOU DID!!!! What a cutie patootie!!!

Jeanette said...

Oh wow! How cute is that little munchkin?! she looks as pleased a punch with the dog on her lap!

ilovepink said...

wow,very cute puppy! I want to hug it too.

Marcelle said...

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a cutie pie you have there..Sugar is going to love the new addition to your family.

Another blogger in Holland bought a puppy last there are two new little one for us to follow in blogland.

I cant believe how long Sugar's hair has and that natural curl. My Princess has dead straight hair...then you seen my Sufer dude, a head full of curls.

Janet said...

What a precious Pup!! Too darling for words. And how happy is Sugar!!

Beth F said...

OMG! So cute! Awesome photos (as always).

BK said...

Simply cute! Make you want to cuddle it.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart! He looks like so much fun to cuddle with.

Kimberly said...

Oh yes you did! You know, you could probably pass out treats and charge admission when company comes over. Because I think you're to that point where you almost have a petting zoo! :)

Denise said...

What a precious pupperoni. Animal people are the best!!!

Cheryl said...

How could you not? Too cute. Are you going to need a bigger home soon for all of the cuddly things?

Happy WW!

Autumn said...

OMG! OMG! That is the cutest puppy! Darn you posting this on WW with no explanation! :) Can't wait to hear more about the pup.

Anonymous said...

I want a puppy!

I hope mine makes you giggle! If you love it, please leave a comment and link up (or not) and I hope your day is as great as I hope mine will be! :)

Joanna said...

OH MY GOD!! If that isnt the cutest little thing I have ever seen!! LOVE!!

Christina said...

Oh yes you did! And it's no wonder - what a cutie! Besides, you guys were due for another zoo's been a couple weeks. ;o)

bBchronicles said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I HOPE YOU DID!!!!! These two will be the best friends - IF you DID DO IT!!!! Adorable!

inkyblog said...

awwww i cant stand the cuteness!! i am so very jealous :)

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