Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Ever since becoming interested in photography, I have longed to see my "visions" come to be. I find myself creating photos in my mind, and trying desperately to make them real. Often I come so very close, but that exact image just slips through my fingers. I simply hang that idea up on the wall of my mind, and hope that someday...somehow I'll be able to achieve it, and move on to another idea.
One BEAUTIFUL May day, while walking with my Hubby along some abandoned railroad tracks, I was utterly blinded by a vision. I stood there planning the entire photo shoot out, down to the very last detail. Being without the exact ingredients to achieve this vision, I tucked it away in my mental file folder of ideas.
A few weeks ago, a light bulb nearly exploded over my head when I realized I just might be able to see my vision come to be. I made a quick call....set a date, and waited patiently. Last Saturday, I was lucky enough to give my idea a try, and I nearly cried with joy as I loaded the photos on my computer. As I spent hours pouring over the results, and post processing, my heart sang. COULD this be???? Have I done it? OH MY YES....I HAVE! BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder.....and I find beauty in acheiving my vision.

I'd like to thank my dear friend for loaning me her senior son, and allowing me to capture his wonderful spirit in these Senior Portraits. He and his girlfriend were a joy to work with. I am beyond grateful.
64 Live It or Love It:
WOW! These photos are amazing! They took awhile to load for me but I am so glad I waited.
Those are nothing short of AMAZING. I am so SO glad you found your vision!!!
OMG,...Bravo.. You vision is wonderful and then these photos. I I can say AWESOME.
I do the same, think of a photo, take it but when I get home it's not exactly how I had planned. I feel your pain.
You have great vision...what a photo shoot. I would love to get any one of my kids to participate is something so profound. Those are photos to put on the wall. This is just for my own curiousity, I noticed the bandana from the pocket and wondered if it was of gang significance? We've had several gang-related shootings the past two weeks (fairly new thing for us) and it scares me. A kid brought a hand gun to my boys' high school last week. Two days ago a "sniper" was at my son's football practice with a rifle and we had to flee. I am pro-gun (living in Alaska most are), but this is scaring me. Anyhow, sorry to blab. Those were the most fantastic photos that I will show the boys and see if I can get them to do something cool. (I only asked about the bandana due to our situation, not to take away from the great photos).
What a stunning shoot!! I'm so very impressed.
You really have to do this professionally now!
These are great! Just wonderful...I especially like all the texture.
Those pictures are really beautiful! How I wish I could be as good as you are!
Here's my PSF for this week: Jenn Was Here. Happy weekends!
They are awesome!
You really have a natural talent and eye for portrait. Well done!
those are awesome - they kids must have had so much fun!!! Great shots!
Those are absolutely beautiful, Corey! And what a great-looking couple. :) Did your friend love them??
Awesome X 3 Corey! Don't you love when your visions become reality? Kudos!!
Oh yeah! You hit the nail on the head! Your vision is perfect and those photos are fantastic!
So when are you going to just do this full time? Some photographers have an eye for portraits and some do not. You my dear are a wonderful portrait photographer, you have that gift. You can capture the essence of the person. Bravo my friend!
Those are REALLY, REALLY good! I think they are as good or better even than some of Ruthi's (and that's a total compliment)!
Beautiful Corey!! Your, as I have said many a time, are a truly talented lady. Wish I would have had you photograph my kiddos before we moved, maybe on one of our trips home?
Wow those are great Corey! I love the effect you gave the last shot! So personal and just stunning!
Wow! Your photos are great! It's awesome when a vision can actually come to be a "vision"
Wonderful wonderful wonderful! What a perfect setting for those pictures, I'm so glad you got to enact your vision too. I bet they're super happy with those pictures. :)
Blimey Corey, those are just stunning. They look like album covers. You are so talented sweetie, seriously, you could sell your photos.
Those are amazing Corey! The kid looks like a rock star!
Those are breath taking! We all bow to your greatness! I mean that sincerely.
You are an amazing artist! Too bad we're thousands of miles away--I would pay you to do portraits of College Girl and The Wild One!
these are so awesome as to make me want to go back in time and have you take my senior pictures.
but i only want to go back for that one day. and as the me i am now, not that chick that i was.
because ew. her life sucked. mine rocks. :) :)
awesome shots, corey!!!
Very cool! I just kept thinking "album cover" when I saw the first couple of shots.
I bet these seniors were thrilled with these pictures!
Awesome vision!
Very, very cool -- well done! :)
Wonderful photos beautifully done... great shots.
Those are all cool shots. It has been quite sometime that I have not ventured into the woods to shoot such beautiful shots as yours. Can I borrow them as well? Hehe :P
Fantastic! Those were better than any senior pictures I have ever seen.
So fabulous. My favorite is the black and white with the hands in the back pocket. He will definitely have best Sr. Pics. ever!! What a lucky guy. You also, are a wonderful writer I have to say. I was so thrilled to see you find your vision because you made me want it with by the way you expressed yourself. Lovely PSF!
Great photos for this week! :)
These are fabulous, Corey! They will treasure them for years! You've done a great job capturing personality. I love them.
wow that is beautiful pictures....
Absolutely gorgeous!
But I'd be like, HEY get your hand away. 3 foot rule people!
That must be the teacher in me speaking. ;)
STUNNING and definitely BEAUTIFUL shots :)
Fantastic series of photos, no wonder you were so happy.
I love LOVE love these!
No wonder you're happy! You did it! Come and see my take on "Beautiful." I think you'll enjoy it. Have a great weekend! :D
Love all the angle in your shooting...it is unique and classic and the couple both looks sweet and beautiful.
Great hunt!
Wow what a magnificient set of shots. Bravo!
have u ever considered going professional? The pictures are amazing!
fab photos, great job!
WOW!! There's nothing more that I can say except just WOW!!
These are fabulous!!! I love the one from behind - they are amazing.
And the mother of that senior will thank you for years to come. You captured a special quality in that young man not always captured. Good job --- *beautiful*ly done. :)
Wow! I am speechless (or should I say wordless). These are more than beautiful, they are magnificent! So glad I stopped by!
I don't even have the words. I love those photos & I LOVE that you were planning out the photo shoot in your head before. I love that!!
These are wonderful photographs. You are an amazing photographer. I love them so much!
Wow! A vision fulfilled. Must feel great. These are wonderful! Love the B & W's.
Perfect picks for The Hunt.
WOW! Those are SO good. You should be doing that for a living...if you aren't already! You have a great eye, and I am sure he and his girlfriend loved going it and LOVED the photos!
COREY! Oh my gosh, wow! I can't believe I've had this post sitting in my GoogleReader for days now without taking a peak. These are amazing! I am so thrilled for you that you were able to bring your dream to life, and it's a beautiful dream. These are some of the best senior portraits I've seen. You need to GO FOR IT and get a real business going!
Corey- I come across a handful of awesome series every once in awhile. This one is one of them. These are so breath taking. I bet his family can't figure out which ones are the best, because they all are!
Absolutely breath-taking, Corey! Great work and many wishes for success in every future endeavor!
{clapping} Bravo! {clapping}
Those are beautiful photos. I love your photo concepts. Each photo speaks volumes.
Wow, I agree... amazing photos. I started to pick a fave but the move I went down and saw more... the less my chances were for picking ONE!
BTW, thanks for the birthday wishes!
Those are absolutely amazing - absolutely awesome!! Your vision is beautiful, and so is your talent. :)
I love these photos at the RR Track. I took some of my son on the tracks and they come out wonderful. I've recently bought an "odd chair" so I want to go back and take more with him in the chair. Here's a link to the one that we are going to use for his Senior Pics.
Hey! We're back in Budapest where the internet is blessedly fast... yay!
Just wanted to stop by to say that these photos are spectacular. You Nailed it Corey. Nailed it.
The first couple made me catch my breath. Terrific. And love the actions and textures too. Really cool. Well done!
Oh. And everybody above me said what I was thinking... the kid looks like a rock star, the photos look like album covers, you really should do this for a living, and so on and so on!! I agree with them all.
Incredible! I've been wanting to take my Senior son out on a photo shoot with his guitar to grab the essence of who he is too. We just haven't had the time. (And we don't have a cool location like that!) More than likely we'll be going to the beach.
Oh wow, what AMAZING photos! You are an awesome photographer!
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