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Monday, October 5, 2009

Bigness comes in small packages

Ever feel like you were given the BIGGEST gift in one of the smallest packages?


Today, I read something that seemed to fit perfectly with what I've been feeling as a parent, and something I touched on in yesterday's post.

":: Small Body, Big Spirit ::

Mother Nature doesn't aim for mediocre. She imbues every child with HUGE creative potential.

Children are born *knowing* they're supposed to be BIG -- innately powerful, free, and continuously expanding to new horizons.

Today, no matter how physically small your child may be, notice and appreciate his or her BIGness in spirit. That spirit is easy to see when your child is expressing pure Love and Joy. But it's no less present when s/he's "misbehaving." In those trying times, remember...

Our children are always doing the best they can to stay connected to their BIGness -- in a world that expects them to be small."

~ Scott Noelle of The Daily Groove

Scott Noelle's website, , is one of my favorite parenting resources. It's philosophy sits well with my own beliefs, and I never fail to find something to inspire me.


It is amazing to realize that my child was born to be something special...something BIG, and that it is my job to not squash it. It is my HONOR to nurture it, and watch it grow. This parenting stuff isn't to be left to happenstance. It is to be embraced, and purposefully tended.


Later in the day, as I set to relaxing with a book, I read something that certainly did NOT mesh with my thoughts on parenting, and in fact made me quite sad. It read:

"At MOPS International, we often say a mother of preschoolers is like a cardboard juice box--with umpteen straws stuck inside. Her little ones gulp and gulp until she feels sucked dry."

~ Eliza Morgan, President and CEO of MOPS International.

I sat there dumbfounded.....wondering if THAT is how most mothers of young children if they have been sucked dry. As if, their little charges have taken everything she had to offer, and left her empty. Is this how mothers feel?

In my experience, motherhood has filled me up. It has given me more than I had before. I enjoy parenting. I look forward to being with my daughter, and find myself eager to see what is next in our journey.


It is my greatest hope that those mothers out there that are feeling empty, will soon realize how nourishing their child can be to their souls.

*** edited to add***

I firmly believe that if you are always feeling like you are EMPTY at the end of the day. If THAT defines motherhood for you. Something needs to change.

The main point of this post was to say that we can either choose to be inspired and filled UP by our lives (children) or we can focus on the hard times, and how it is completely bringing you down.

I understand, and probably didn't explain very well, that there are DAYS like that. There are times when things are hard, but we need to decide if that is what you want to define your children's childhood as.

I feel very strongly that we are in control of our happiness, and must choose to find the GREAT in it.

10 Live It or Love It:

Lindy said...

lovely post and lovely photos- she's looking so grown up!

Lene said...

She is soooo beautiful and soooo good at poseing in front of mums camera. I am a bit sad that I wasn`t interested in photographing back then when my son was a child...

inkyblog said...

oh gosh Corey, i'm totally the empty juice box by 6pm... my kids NEVER STOP asking questions and needing SOMETHING they can't get by themselves and they are constantly wanting to paint, then play dinosaurs, then bake cookies, then go on a bike ride, then play a game, then... etc etc. lucky you, maybe it's a girl thing to be self sufficient ;)

Bryce's momma said...

Probably one of my favorite posts Corey! So heartfelt! the pics of Sugar are so simple and beautiful. your angles are fabulous! That is the difference between a "picture taker" and a photographer!

Autumn said...

Lovely post Corey. I can say that in the beginning when Bug was small there were days that I felt that way. Exhausted and dried up. He was a difficult baby and toddler. He demanded my constant attention and at the end of the day I would feel exhausted and empty. Not to say that I didn't love and cherish him. I absolutely did and do, but he was exhausting. I also think we as mothers of onlys have to be considerate when we hear mothers of two plus kids say they are exhausted and empty. We should be careful not to judge or even feel sorry for them. Adding one or more children to the mix vastly changes the dynamics in a family. Just food for thought as each family, parent and child is different and just because we are not experiencing parenthood the same doesn't mean we aren't all enjoying it equally.

Corey~living and loving said...

I undertand what you all are saying.

however, I firmly believe that if you are always feeling like you are EMPTY at the end of the day. If THAT defines motherhood for you. Something needs to change.

The main point of this post was to say that we can either choose to be inspired and filled UP by our lives (children) or we can focus on the hard times, and how it is completely bringing you down.

I understand, and probably didn't explain very well in my post, that there are DAYS like that. There are times when things are hard, but we need to decide it that is what you want to remember about your children's childhood.

I feel very strongly that we are in control of our happiness, and must choose to find the GREAT in it.

Cynthia said...

Corey, I think about your parenting philosophies quite often during my day with my kiddos. It really is a choice to take the happy road. Parenting is hard, and it's very easy to yell and be troubled. Take it as a compliment, that when I reach my boiling point, your blog brings me back to center:)

Autumn said...

Oh Corey, I hope I didn't come across wrong in my earlier comment. I also hope that emptiness does not define motherhood for some people. I completely agree that it is a choice we make to focus on the positive. I guess I read the quote from MOPS differently because I could relate to feeling that way SOMETIMES. By no means does it define motherhood for me.
But I see what you're saying now. Looking back I inferred things into it that I probably shouldn't have, probably because they were on my mind. <3 Big hugs my friend. I agree with NW your attitude toward motherhood inspires me.

Christina said...

your girl is SO GORGEOUS!

The bigness of spirit housed in these little bodies - I LOVE that!

Childlife said...

Hey gorgeous! First chance I've had in a while to stop by and I'm sooooo glad I did! Absolutely brilliant post, Corey -- truly.

It's everyday life out in the world that sucks me dry -- it's my kiddos and my family who restore and renew me. Seeing things through their eyes, spending time with them -- it's what life's all about!

Love the shots of Sugar :) And thanks for continuing to come by and visit your most abysmal of bloggy friends :D Someday I'll return to Comment Land -- I hope...


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