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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ A Perfect Winter Birthday Cake






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44 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful cake for a beautiful girl! That seriously is one of the best cakes I've seen. You can tell she loved it.

Happy Birthday, Sugar!!!

tommie said...

Whoever invented cupcake cakes is pure genius! She looks so happy.

Honey Mommy said...

I am seriously making a cupcake birthday cake next time. It looks so easy to do and look so great!

Donetta said...

Happy birthday sugar bear so glad you were born baby. Your such a blessing to your mommy

Muthering Heights said...

It's so cute! I love the notion of cupcakes. :)

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome cake!!!!

Rachel said...

Great job!! It is perfect!! You should be proud!

stan said...

that's a real interesting cake!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

These pictures are gorgeous. I love this birthday cake. I like the idea of using cupcakes instead of a regular cake because that way you don't have to cut it. Less fuss and less mess.

Sarah said...

I love it, what a fun cake. I agree completely with Tommie - cupcake cakes are genius.

yanix said...

it's sooo cute! i wish a will have a birhtday cake like that!

Tara said...

Oh my word that looks soo YUMMY and beautiful!!! How creative!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and:

A very happy Wordless Wednesday it is for many of us in the World. Let us hope for it being the start of many to come.

Janet said...

What a fantastic idea! The cake is beautiful - and cupcakes are sooo much better for little hands to eat!
Happy Birthday Sugar!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else - this cake is a fantastic idea! Easy, practical and you can make just about any design you want with the cupcakes. I'm sure your daughter must have loved it!

Happy Birthday to your little one, she's cute!

jams o donnell said...

What a delightful cake. Perfect fo a winter birthday! Ha[[y WW

Upstatemamma said...

How very cool!! Big Brother had a hockey rink cake last year.

Halftime Lessons said...

Great pictures!! And I LOVE your header!

Happy WW!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful cake! Very SMART cake! Great idea! Your daughter is lovely. Happy Birthday! (btw, love your header pic)

Maureen Hayes said...

Oh I am jealous. I am a winter birthday too and NEVER had a cake this cool! I've been away from WW for a few months due to illness. Please check out my post today at:

Happy WW!

Marcelle said...

What an unusual cake - you really are very creative when it comes to these things...Sugar Bear is loving her cake I can see on her face!

Marcelle said...


Beth Cotell said...

What an AWESOME cake! I love it!

tiarastantrums said...

that is one awesome cupcake cake!!

Autumn said...

What an awesome cake! Sugar looks so big in those pictures. I think the older she gets the more she looks like you. I love the shots that are at an angle.

Christina said...

jusdging by the expression on her face...I'd say she agrees that it's the perfect cake! So cute - both her and the snowman!

Killlashandra said...

What a wonderful cupcake snowman birthday cake! It turned out great and she looks thrilled. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the cake!! was it all cupcakes or just the outside?

Mrs. Frogster said...

I really like the cupcake cake! And the photos are great!

Anonymous said...

Dropping by from sits. Did someone say cupcakes. LOL! I love cupcakes. In fact I blog cupcakes. Great photos.

MyKidsMom said...

Cute cake! I don't think I've ever seen a snowman one.

Anonymous said...

Lovely girl!! She looks blissful!
Happy WW! I played too!

Anonymous said...

great shots! The cupcake cake looks soooo yummy!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Ahhhh, that looks like a wonderful party, and what a fab cake. Miss M wants Alice ion Wonderland. We;l see... :D

Tabitha Blue said...

Ohhh I love that winter Birthday cake!!! So sweet!

Happy Birthday Sugar Bear!!!


Gayle said...

You are kidding, right?! You never cease to amaze me. That is abou the coolest cake in the world and I assure you if I can remember (ha!) I am doing something like that for Olivia next December. Sugar looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

BEYOND PERFECT!!!! What a lucky Sugar!

Ann On and On... said...

That is seriously the cutest cupcake cake I have ever seen. She must have loved it.

I might have to copy you some day.

I'm having a Valentine's give-a-way...come on over and check it out! :D

Lisa said...

That is such a great cake, and a pretty cute little girl, too!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... that does look delicious! What a great idea for any time... cupcakes.

Hope Sugar's birthday wishes all come true :-)

AnnD said...

What a fab cake! I'll take a chocolate one please!

Anonymous said...

Very clever to make the whole thing out of cupcakes!

Deb said...

Ugh, I can't believe I missed Miss Sugar Bear's birthday!! I hope she had a very, very happy one and wishing her all the best now that she's a big 4-year-old girl. :)

Love the cake! I just may steal that idea for Becca's party this weekend and do Mickey Mouse with cupcakes like that... :)

My Trendy Tykes said...

Those cupcakes look great!!

Hope she had a nice time.


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