Monday, January 31, 2011
You are......
Labels: Meaningful, Photography, Sugar Bear
Saturday, January 29, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Five
Friday, January 28, 2011
Here's a SCARY Thought

Yeah.....that totally attractive photo of me that I posted just the other day.
BUT.....this only goes to prove that we need to be less worried about what WE think about how we actually look in photos, and more interesting in just plain being present in them. I am certain that our children, in future years, will NOT look back at photos of their parent, and think, "WOW....she sure was having a bad hair day!" or "Gee, where did that double chin come from?" or "Look at the back fat on her!" They will simply see....MOM.....or DAD....and feel all the love they had/have for you. They will smile on that shot, and think, "I remember that shirt." or "I sure do miss those days." or "Gee.....I wish she/he were here now!" ♥ It isn't for's for THEM, and aren't they so very worth it?
So, as I look at this photo, and snicker.....and think, "how absurd!" Sugar Bear is likely to see it 20 years from now, and think, "That's my mom!" ♥
Thursday, January 27, 2011
25 random things you might wonder why you wanted to know!
1. I just got a paper cut, and you'd think my entire finger got lopped off in a wild and crazy argument with a lawnmower.
2. I think I need a 12 step program for my Library addiction.
3. When Sugar Bear was 3 months old, while we were laying in my bed nursing in the middle of the night, I passed gas extremely loud. My girl unlatched, looked up at me and ripped an awesome toot of her very own, then went right on nursing. I took it as a sign that she is brilliant, and destined for good things.
4. I watched "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives", the other night on The Food Network HD, and only tried to lick the TV twice.
5. I make inappropriate jokes when I'm stressed, scared, nervous, anxious, or otherwise emotional. Yup...I'm the idiot cracking the jokes at a funeral. I have no control over it.
6. Most of my underwear are are at least 12 years old...AND I still wear my maternity panties sometimes. They are sooooo comfy! (don't look at me like that!)
7. I may or may not have eaten an ENTIRE tin of Danish Butter Cookies all by myself in the last week. Jeg elsker Cookies! Cookies er djævelen!!!
8. I've gained 10 lbs in the past year, and I don't know why. (tee hee)
9. I might have permanent tennis elbow and wrist injury due to four evenings, in a row, of playing "Just Dance 2" on our new wii system.
10. I shave my legs about once a month. Smooth skin is totally overrated, and I think braided leg hair is super sexy.
11. I snort when I laugh. I snort when I take photos of children. I squeal when I'm excited, I squeal when I'm frightened. and I oink when I eat. hmmmm......can someone come over and check to see if I have a curly tail?
12. I think the Dirty Dish Fairy is a bastard for never coming to my house. (Sorry for that naughty word.....I don't know what came over me! Oh yeah, I know....I have a sink full of dirty dishes, and I'm pretty darn grouchy about it!)
13. My husband says I have too much stuff. I absolutely do NOT agree, so I just stomp my way through that little narrow path that leads from my computer to my bed, and pout.
14. You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose, BUT you sure as heck should tell them if they have a bat in the cave. Come on.....don't just leave it hanging.
15. This one time.....I pooped on the floor, and this really nice lady tried to tell me that it was just "a little amniotic fluid", but I knew she was just full of crap. (bad word again.....sorry.) She was sweet and all, but you can't kid a kidder, or a woman who is experiencing intense labor pains, and feels like a hippopotamus in a bedsheet.
16. This other time when I was wearing light tan slacks, I sat in some yucky brown liquid, then had to go have dinner with 4 wonderful women I had never laid eyes on in person before. Good thing the restaurant was super dark. I could at least pretend that they all didn't think I just pooped my pants. AWESOME! Talk about a super cool first impression.
17. I laugh like a crazed lunatic when someone falls down. (even Sugar Bear, but I try to hide it.) I know....I know...I'm evil, but I can't help it. It looks so funny!
18. If you stare into your refrigerator long enough.....hard still won't make dinner for you. I've tried it......MANY times.
19. shhhhhh....don't tell anyone, but I think the candy bowl at work knows how much I weigh. It keeps laughing at me every time I walk by.
20. I say "DUDE!" and "Groovy!" wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much, and "Kerfuffle" and "Gargalesis" and "Subintelligitur" not nearly enough.
21. It is subintelligitur that I do not like gargalesis, and if you try better be ready for an extreme kerfuffle.
22. Being that I breast fed Sugar Bear for 1,642 and a half days, I shouldn't be surprised that she sometimes still likes to "cop a feel", but seriously.......does everyone in our house think my boobs are fair game? Even the cat likes to knead them once in awhile. sigh......
23. and I only like it about HALF the time.
24. If you pass gas in a forest, a squirrel dies. Now don't you feel guilty?
25. I sometimes embellish when I tell stories to make them more interesting. Only sometimes.
oh and if you liked this might REALLY, REALLY like THIS ONE I did a few years ago. I think I used up all my good ones that time. darn it!
Labels: Discovering Corey, Humor
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Week 16

The first shot was taken on January 18th. This was my third full day in Georgia, and I had the opportunity to get some reading done in the morning, while my wonderful host took care of some business. You know I dig me some "reading time", so I was quite happy. Then we jetted on over to meet one of our friends for lunch. There was supposed to be 4 of us, but one of the ladies had a sick kiddo so she didn't get to come. Sad I didn't get the opportunity to get a hug in on her. BUT.......the one friend that was able to make it.....oh we had a bawl, and she brought her darling little baby boy with her, and he is a hoot. It was a fabulous lunch. I had pulled pork sliders (yum) and Brunswick stew. Good times.
The second shot was taken on January 16th. This was my first official day in Atlanta. We were supposed to go for a long drive to see an amazing gorge, but as you might know....there had been a big snow/ice storm the entire week before I arrived, and the road were still not all that clear. So we stayed home, and had a relaxing day. This photo was taken in the early evening, as my friend and I drove into the downtown area to attend a Shakespeare Dinner Theatre show. Oh my was perfect. We saw an amazing performance of Twelfth Night, and I had a scrumptious dinner of Portabella Mushroom Stroganoff. YUMMO!
The third shot was taken on January 17th during brunch. My friend took me, and her daughter who is only 9 days younger than Sugar Bear to a wonderful bakery. It was so hard to decide what to get, but we finally arrived at the fabulous idea of splitting two things. I ordered the Sweet Potato Pancakes, with pecan syrup (HELLO!), and she ordered this amazing concoction you see here. Peanut butter stuffed French Toast with caramelized Bananas (BANG!). Seriously, Y'all (tee hee.....) it was the bomb diggity!
The fourth shot was taken on January 19th. I felt completely and utterly welcome the entire time I was there. It helped a lot that everywhere we needed to go, we seemed to cross paths with this beautiful tower that just yelled, "Hey Corey! Welcome to Georgia!" :) I'll tell ya, I rarely.....and I do mean RARELY run across other "Coreys" out and about. Especially girl "Coreys". So imagine my surprise when I used my name to reserve a spot at the previously mentioned yummo bakery, and the guy right behind me was named Corey, and 5 minutes later another girl walks up and reserves a table under her name.....Corey. jaw dropped. Anyhow....I took this shot after a long day in training, and an awesome birthday dinner with my friend, her husband, and her birthday girl....and a performance of the "Blue Man Group!" woo hoo...what a long day...but super fun, and amazing. My friend took me back to my hotel......and we bid each other a very sad farewell.
The fifth shot was taken on January 20th. I had conference all day again, then boarded a plane heading WEST! I thought that the day before had been long....this was the longest day known to man, but I made it back to my home state.....and slept my little heart out at my Aunt's house again.
The sixth shot was taken on January 21st. I got up a little late.....and visited with my Aunt a bit, then hit the road for a 4.5 hour drive back to my little girl, who was waiting with very open, and eager arms. I took this shot as I drove along the freeway. This sort of scenery lets me know that I'm almost home.
The seventh shot was taken on January 22nd, and for obvious reasons, it was the best day of the week. ♥ Sugar Bear did such a wonderful job while I was away. She spent 4 nights at my parent's house, then Grandma brought her to our house so that she could attend school, and dance classes. I talked with her on the phone at least once a day, but usually twice. It was really quite lovely to be back together, though. She insisted on a whole lot more snuggles that day....and every day since. ♥ Life is GOOD!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Birthday Moments
Labels: Meaningful, Sugar Bear
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My Week 15
Saturday, January 22, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- Week Four
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
52 weeks of ME- Week 3

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
My Week 14

The second shot was taken on January 3rd. Sugar and I were having a girls night, and we were settling down to watch a movie. (can't remember which one, now.) I made some popcorn for us to share. She loves popcorn, but much prefers the way Grandma and Papa make it. They use an air popper, and put melted butter on it. The light microwave stuff mama makes isn't near as lovely. (and I cringe at the chemicals that are in it....I totally need to stop buying this stuff.)
The third shot was taken on January 4th. I spent a great day of my day at work trying to make sense and order out of my schedule this month. It is a crazy busy time at work, and at home. I'm leaving in a few days for a work related trip, but I have extended the time away to include a mini vacation. I'm so very excited about it, but there are a plenty of things to plan, and arrange before I leave.
The fourth shot was taken on January 5th while I was capturing my first shot for my "52 weeks of me project. It is out of focus....and not well lit.
The fifth shot was taken on January 6th when Sugar Bear and I were out taking care of our animals. Tiny the miniature horse is doing well. She is such a sweetheart. The Hubby is NUTS for her, and even let her come in the house one evening in December. I wasn't too thrilled with the idea, but she didn't do anything other than get the carpet a bit dirty. She thinks she is just one of the family, and would love to be in the house with us all of the time.
The sixth shot was taken on January 7th. My nearly 4 year old truck needed new front hubs this past week. I'm a bit annoyed by the whole thing.....they just don't make things like they used to. It is ridiculous that I had to replace those....and expensive as well. ARGH!
The seventh shot was taken on January 8th.....and as you can was a BIRTHDAY PARTY for the Sugar! ♥ oh how my heart beats for this girl. I just can't believe that she is 6 years old already. I just hope that the next 6 years don't go as fast. I'm holding tight to my time with this special little person.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

As my eyes followed his every movement, I couldn't help but notice his energy....his spunk. He jumped from one thing to the next with anticipation of what lay under this....over that....behind this.....inside that. While I had to pull my jacket close...he dashed through freezing puddles without seeming to even notice that he was getting wet from the tip of his toes to nearly the knee of his pants. His hands turned red with the chill, but it didn't stop him from exploring the tidal puddles. Despite many pleas from the maternal creature he insisted that he did NOT need a jacket, and that his hands were NOT cold. It was fascinating to see this independent and rather inexplicable behavior. I raised my camera to see if I could catch some shots of this allusive being, and was not surprised at all to see that he had a silly bone as well.

There is always something about a camera that brings out kooky behavior in this species. Quickly his expression morphed from one thing to the next. There was much giggling, and more antics. The maternal subject kept suggesting a more "normal" sort of behavior, but the more she requested, the sillier the behavior became. FASCINATING!

It was an incredible experience, in which I'm honored to have been a part of. I'm not sure what I expected, but it was good to know that this particular specimen is much like another animal whom I have TONS of experience with. The Sugar Bear species has much in common with this strange creature. Who knew? I think they would get along very well. Next time I'm given the opportunity to interact with this little darling....I hope to bring Sugar Bear along.
Labels: Meaningful, Photography
Sunday, January 9, 2011
My Week 13
In an effort to be more "REAL" and to give you more of an insight into my life, I'll be alittle more wordy in the "My Week" posts.

Saturday, January 8, 2011
52 Weeks of ME- weeks one and two

Friday, January 7, 2011
Moments in 2010
Labels: Photography