Since the first day of school THIS year is tomorrow. I thought I'd share a photo from LAST YEAR.
Okay....so I know it looks like she is SUPER excited, but don't let that smile fool you, she wanted to stay home with mama!
Okay....so REALLY, she just didn't want to stand there in 30something degree weather and get her picture taken. I'm such a bad mom like that.
Here's hoping it's warm outside tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me! THANKS!
Head on over to I ♥ Faces to see (hopefully) some happy smiling back to school faces.
10 Live It or Love It:
Aw...such a sad face. But it's such a cute picture! :)
Cute pic!
I can't believe she only starts school tomorrow when we began a month ago.
This week I'll mail your box. I'll let you know when it's on it's way!
Crossing my fingers for all of us:)
Oh dear, is it bad that this picture makes me laugh? LOL
Poor cold baby.... man you are such a mean mommy. ;)
hahaha! Okay, there's my answer to my previous question - YES, she does stop smiling sometimes. ;)
She is too cute! Hope she has a great day tomorrow!
haha this is great! :-) good luck tomorrow!
I just love this so much. I laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Sensational!
Awesome! Her face says everything.
Such a cute photo! Did you take an after the first day photo to compare them?
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