Can it really be October.......Already?
When September began, I launched myself head first into a photography project. You can read all about it, and view the first week of photos here. The second week of photos are here. And this post will contain the third week's photos.
When September began, I launched myself head first into a photography project. You can read all about it, and view the first week of photos here. The second week of photos are here. And this post will contain the third week's photos.
This project has been so very interesting for me. I have indeed learned a lot about not only my photography, but myself. Each day, I find Kitty lingering in the back of my thoughts, and as I view my world, I think about when and where I want to capture that day's photo. It has forced me to think about my life, and choose a defining moment in each day. This was not expected, and is quite a pleasant surprise.
I have toyed with making a calendar of my 12 favorite images....and still might, but a few of my faithful readers have encouraged me to continue on with this project. While I'm not ready to commit to a 365 featuring Kitty, I am willing to take it month by month, and continue as long as it doesn't feel FINISHED. I can't help but sit here, and feel like I'm just not done yet.
I have toyed with making a calendar of my 12 favorite images....and still might, but a few of my faithful readers have encouraged me to continue on with this project. While I'm not ready to commit to a 365 featuring Kitty, I am willing to take it month by month, and continue as long as it doesn't feel FINISHED. I can't help but sit here, and feel like I'm just not done yet.
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
(After 13 years we finally paid to have our driveway and parking area improved, and it looks GREAT!)
Day Seventeen
(Feeling renewed by the wonders of Autumn.)
Day Eighteen
(In complete dispair for the death of a friend's husband.)
Day Nineteen
(Trying my best to NOT fall into the trap of emotional eating.)
Day Twenty
(Having the privledge of spending time teaching my Sugar to ride her bike.)
Day Twenty-one
(Spending most of the day sick in bed with The Sugar)

It was definately a week of UPS and DOWNS. I'm finding that this simple project is somehow helping me own up to my feelings, be more present in my life, and truely see that each day is it's own, even when it feels like you are going no where.
Thank you for your support. Since I'm behind in posting this project, it is likely that the next week of photos will be up this weekend. It is my hope that this isn't boring to you all. I feel lately that I have lost my readership, and have been doing some personal work on whether that should matter to me or not. I fear the heavy subject I have been featuring lately might have scared many off, and yet, I feel it in my heart that I must power through with my intended purpose. It is my wish that those that come here, will find what they are looking for.
Have a great Day!
11 Live It or Love It:
Apparently I'm a little behind the curve -- what a cool project you have going on here!
It's funny how the photo projects make you look at everything differently. Taking a picture each day for a year has made me a different person. It's funny, I could easily take one photograph each day without thinking about it, but in the context of a project,it changes everything.
I really am enjoying the kitty series. You are way more consistent than my kitty series:P
Did you seriously just ask if we find these posts boring?! No way! I love watching this project unfold, and seeing not only your many creative images but also getting a peak into your heart and soul each day. Powerful and lovely stuff, my friend!
My readership has dropped way off too. I've decided I don't care. At least, I've decided not to care in my head, but my heart's still working on that. I just don't have the desire to court a larger audience tight now, tho.
You haven't lost be Corey! I'm still here reading along - just not finding the time to comment that often! But I always love your posts and hope you aren't too worried about how many are or aren't reading them!
Love the kitty series by the way! But speaking as someone who has done a 365...I would think you might find it very challenging to use kitty as your subject for that long! If you have the stamina, that's great. But I know I wouldn't!
Amazing shots, and it's so neat to see the different attitudes/feelings that the kitty is in. You did a great job capturing the "moment"!
I love how you are truly thinking of the day when you are taking these pictures of kitty. I do not find this project boring at all! I feel like the blogger community has been slipping a bit as far as readership and blogs as a whole. I have several "dead" blogs in my reader.
I totally agree with the 365 day project being a huge undertaking. I just dont feel comfortable commiting myself to something like that. But this is a great alternative for you. You've gotten very creative with your little kitty buddy. My favorite in this post is the grieving kitty. I am sorry for your friends loss and yours. It is a very moving and moody shot with the light and his head hanging down. Wonderful shot. Good for you to commiting yourself to something that makes you better at what you already do great!
Hi from SITS! Love the kitty, your are a talented photographer.
Love the kitty pictures! Love all the pictures actually. You are really talented!
Stopping in from SITS!
Corey, being a kitty lover, these r great! I have been following ur blog, but have often thought, "gotta run, but will post her a comment later". And, well, u know, life happens and then it is the next day. The weather here has been gorgeous for outside pics all week and I have felt so tired that my dear husband was taking care of Bryce each evening when he got home from work! I felt bad for asking him, but I was exhausted. Better now, and I think that I am gonna try to do more this next week. I think that if we were friends, in real life, you would so inspire me. I love crafting and photography, just as much as you. You could teach me tons! I would love to "hang out" and soak up all that you know. I love to just "sit out" in the country and listen to the sweet sounds of nothing and smell the smells of God and all of his creations. I hope that "kitty" is feeling better and that all of his friends are doing better and living and loving every minute of their lives!
Wow, what a great and original idea for a project! I love how this stretches your imagination and how it has caused you to take a closer look at your life. I think a calendar is a wonderful idea - a great way to remember the journey this project has taken you on. Also LOVE all the pictures!
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