Ever since I started crafting, I've always taken great joy in saying, "Thanks! I made it myself!" whenever someone would compliment my finished project. Sometimes it was a scarf, sometimes a sweater, sometimes a blanket, and sometimes it was a handmade card. Everytime it was something I had put my heart into, and was pretty pleased when someone liked it.
When my little Sugar Bear came along I got into a pretty good habit of responding with "Thanks! I made her myself!" whenever someone complimented her on her chunkiness, cuteness, smartness (these are totally words, right? wink wink) and all around perfectness. It never failed to get a chuckle. But SERIOUSLY, I do look at her as the best thing I EVER created.
These photos were taken the afternoon BEFORE her first day, of her THIRD year of preschool. I knew that the next morning would not only be COLD, we would be in a hurry, and I wanted to fully capture this little outfit before she possibly ruined it with her tomboy ways at school. :)
For once, she was totally into it. She wanted to show me all her best moves. I am not sure at all where she got these pose ideas from, but she was cracking me up. I took full advantage of the opportunity though.
Tuesday, I told you about my mission to fashion gently used men's dress shirts to make clothes for my Sugar. This skirt was my original idea. I had seen one like it ages ago, and so badly wanted to give it a try. To make this entire outfit, I needed two dress shirts. The skirt is made up using the sleeves, with the buttoned cuffs around her waist. The top is made using the top portion of one shirt, and the sleeves are fashioned out of the top portion of the sleeves of the other shirt. I used both pockets, and some left over parts to fashion the head scarf. I happened to run across this great tutorial and thought it would go nicely with the outfit. Be sure to check out yesterday's post too see more photos.
Both Sugar Bear and I are in LOVE this this new outfit. I think it makes her feel sassy, because she was full of spunk during our photoshoot.
But don't let this little honey fool you....she has a pretty sensitive side. After noticing a scratch on her favorite tree, she decided it needed a hug, and some empathy.
Usually in the summer, I work on Sugar's yearly portraits. I hadn't managed to pull together a shoot this summer though, and as I was snapping away on Monday, I realized I just might have captured her 4year portraits. Check out last year's if you want to see how much she has grown.
I just can't get enough of her big blue eyes, and infectious smile.
Seriously people......I MADE HER MYSELF! Didn't I do good?
23 Live It or Love It:
What a fabulous idea! I would have never guessed that it was made out of men's shirts! You are one crafty gal! The pics are gorgeous! Some of my favorites so far! What a memory of a moment! Look out boys! lol She is gorgeous! I know that her insides are equally as pretty as her outside! It beams through her pics and those piercing blue eyes! She is definitley my favorite thing that you made too! My husband and I always joke that our baby was homemade! lol Aren't children grand? Who wouldv'e thought? If i had know that I would have loved kids so much, I would have started when I was 25 instead of 35. Oh well, I think that I got time to sueeze in a few more!
The outfit AND the model are fabulous! You did do go, Momma!
Sugar looks so much older in these pictures to me. I don't know if it's the lack of baby chunk or the look of her face. But boy oh boy has she turned into a beautiful little girl and not the baby she was before. The older she gets the more she looks like you too. One thing I love about photography is that it's one of our only ways to stop time.... if only for a second.
Watching her grow, before my very eyes, is such an honor. You don't even know.
Goodness girl! You did good work - on the outfit, AND the girl! ;) I am seriously always amazed at all your clever, crafty creations. These shirt-dresses are darling! And, this series TOTALLY works for her 4 year portraits. I really can't find words for how darling she is - and that's from 2000 miles away!
Love the outfit and the model! I must admit I am a little jealous that your child poses....mine just RUNS now when she sees me with the camera.
You did a sterling job Corey! Well done! :)
Yes! You did a great job!
You have been so 'creatively-productive' these days! haha - I sure miss sewing, you may spark a little interest in me to dust off the sewing machine!? Very adorable post.
You did fabulous! I love the outfit and find it very inspiring that you made it yourself. Great job!
Beautiful pictures!! :)
What a beauty!1 And I love that you made her outfit from men's shirts. Very clever!!
Adorable! She's getting so big:-)
As the mom of four boys, all I can say is "That's not fair!" She is absolutely beautiful! Did I say beautiful? Stunning, wonderful, angelic...Is she too young for my 13 year-old? Will have to keep the shirt idea for another day, but it's great too. Glad I stopped by.
oh Corey!!!! My heart is smiling right now!!! She is just gorgeous! and those eyes! Oh man! LOVE the outfit! You have inspired me! while clearing up my moms sewing table I found a dress she had started making for Saige and never got to finish it. I am gonna!
She looks so SASSY!!!! lol Great pictures, as usual, and you did do a great job making her yourself!
Good article in I Heart...
My husband mailed your box this morning for me. I'm sorry it took so long to get off. I hope it arrives in good condition and blesses you.
What a great photo shoot! Sugar has lost that baby look, hasn't she?! You are so creative with the sewing. I don't have enough interrupted time to experiment. I would just get frustrated. Love the idea "look what I made" although once you have a teenager you might not declare that on every day quite so loudly! lol :)
These pictures are adorable. Love the whole story! So smart to make an outfit out of men's shirts! She is so beautiful!
She is absolutely adorable and I love that outfit. What a great idea and so much fun. If I ever have a little one I hope I can remember crafty things like this to try out.
Corey, she is so grown-up! You're killing me!
1. We are all going to steal your "made her myself" line.
2. Your first day pictures totally kick my first day pictures' butt
3. You sew, too? Sheesh!
She is such a pretty little girl!
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