Day 182
(Sugar spent a good deal of time counting her money, and Kitty wanted in on the fun.)
(Sugar spent a good deal of time counting her money, and Kitty wanted in on the fun.)
Day 184
(We slept all day under the afghan our Great Grandma Fern made us in 1985.)
Day 187
(Kitty grows tired of all mama's moping, and hangs out with Sugar and her glass fish.)
Day 188
(We think ice cream is going to make us feel better, but it only works for two of us.)

Hosted by Chris
11 Live It or Love It:
Oh what a help Kitty has been! :) I do hope you're feeling better and that the meds have got to work! Have a lovely week-end!
Ugh, so sorry. I empathize. My eardrum burst a few years ago and the day leading up to that was truly horrific. Hope you're feeling better.
I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick! Ear problems are the worst. I love the picture of kitty laying down on the meds and the one with kitty sticking her foot out from under the blanket. Happy Friday and feel better soon!
Being sick is no fun, but having kitty along for the ride sure makes for an interesting photoscape. :) Feel better soon!
I am so sorry that you aren't well. I have been kicking around a cold here for the past month and can relate. I haven't had the ear ache though so I can't imagine how aweful that would be! I pray for healing to come to you quickly!
I sure hope you're feeling better this week. On a side note, I just love the name Fern. I don't know why... I just do. :)
Feeling SICK is the pits - hope you're doing better!
My FAVORITE: Kitty dipping into the pill container - made me chuckle and love Kitty under Grandma's blanket!
Keep em' coming.
Almost every shot here made me laugh right out loud -- but kitty diving into the pill bottle made my sides hurt!
I hope, Kitty....are (is) feeling better.
Poor kitty is having quite the adventures. The shot in the pill bottle is so funny!
:o( I'm sorry you've been sick Corey - still!!! Good thing kitty was there to help out tho. And good thing you can maintain your sense of humor no matter what.
Now you're like one of those Olympians who never missed a single workout no matter how sick he/she was. You still took kitty's picture through all your misery. Gold medal to Corey of the U.S.A.!
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