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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photo Hunters~ Wooden

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This week was refreshingly easy. Wood is everywhere. While on a recent puddle jumpin walk with my darling Sugar, I took the time to snap a few different perspectives of a WOODEN fence post. I love wooden fences, and old, falling apart fence posts.

Thank you for coming by my blog this week. I look forward to hunting around to see all the pictures this weekend. Have a great day.

*** oh and don't forget I'm on Top Momma! CLICK HERE!!!!! You know you want to. Click it a few times in fact. I get a referral each time you click the link, and a click each time you click on Sugar's sweet photo. Isn't that fun? I can't think of a single thing I should be doing today other than clicking. Can you? ***

47 Live It or Love It:

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Nice wood pictures. I hope those white spots on the wood ain't termites!!

I've click on TopMomma :)

ipanema said...

great shots of wooden fences. i like them too!

Natalie said...

I like your pictures! :)

eastcoastlife said...

I love all things wooden too... except for wooden expressions on faces. hehe.....

Anonymous said...

Oh I love all your photos this week. Really nice!

Trinity said...

oooowwwww what a nice shots!!! really sharp and I love the color too... well done!

david mcmahon said...

Wonderful, Corey - you and I must be related as we are both drawn towards photographing fence posts.

I was going to say the second one is my favourite, butthe third shot brings much more ``personality'' to the subject.

Well done ....

holly said...

this week, just for a change, i love your photos. no, wait, no change there. wooden you know i love them all (sorry, i just could not stop myself from doing that).

Unknown said...

Only you could make wood so stunning! BTW - I clicked AT LEAST nine times. Ya me :)

Anonymous said...

Wooden fences are like old barns to me; so exquisite and beautiful in their own rite.

Great work here, Corey! Your photographs are always inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I love your shots of the wooden fence.

jams o donnell said...

Wonderful shots. I love the compistion and the textureof the photos. A really nice take on the theme

Juliana said...

You have nice digital camera :D Nice shot

Mine in here Have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

I love your shot on those wooden.

Will you visit my “wooden“ Have a nice weekend

Smalltown RN said...

those are great....your photography is so crisp and fresh....lovely....

Hanlie said...

I particularly like the third one! Very nice!

Carver said...

Those are great wooden shots. I also like wooden fences. Have a great weekend.

Harajuku PearL said...

these are really great photography shots of the wooden post. Nice one! I really love the composition of the subject.

Have a good weekend!


jennwa said...

Those are great photos.

Autumn said...

Great shots Corey. Great idea for the theme, I almost used a shot of a fence post too!

Anonymous said...

Great shots! And your Naughty or Nice post is just wonderful!

Heart of Rachel said...

Beautiful photos! I admire how you effectively showed the little details. Thanks for visiting.

JaamZIN said...

nice photos..I can feel the fragnance of the spring by looking at them:)

Me and my crazy mind

mjsterling said...

beautiful wood picture...check mine too
Wooden Doorway
Wooden Staircase

ancient one said...

Great Posts!! Good Post!!

tx sweetie said...

oh this is pretty.reminds me of my childhood,we go to a woody area and chop of the dead wood to light or burn in our dirty kitchen.great job.

I have a wooden Harley Davidson motorcycle you should check it out too

Wooden Harley Davidson motorcycle

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Good old fence posts!!
They look so much better than aluminum and steel!

**"Liza"** said...

awesome shots here, you did amazing oh this photos..Very nice entry for this week hunt.Have a wonderful weekend.;)

My so called life
Life's Impression

Utah Mommy said...

Great take! I love how you take all the photos you got here. Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! I love the textures in all the photos! Excellent job again :)

Michele said...

Mmm... fantastic textures... it's as if I can reach in and touch it.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot! Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

good choice for the theme. happy hunting.

Jen said...

These pictures are AWESOME!! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You found some great weathered wood! Have a great weekend...

MaR said...

Love your wooden fences! I bet they can tell many stories...
Happy PH and happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Hi Corey,
Thanks for the visit and the welcome to PhotoHunt. I love fence posts too and if I had known before a few hours ago I was going to do this I would have gone out and found a few around our property. But they would never have been as awesome was yours.

Have a great evening.

jmb said...

Lovely photos Corey, not problem this week. Wood all around us. Have a great weekend.

tommie said...

Love the wooden fences...they do seem to beg to take pics of them don't they?

Amy said...

these are great!

Tokenhippygirl said...

Really lovely photos! Happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots for this week's theme. Thumbs up (=

ian said...

it's almost all-concrete world where we live now... great photos! happy weekend =]

Katney said...

We have posts like that, too.

Dragonstar said...

Those are really nice photos! I love that last one.

-tnchick- said...

I love the country, fences, etc... so I love your photos.

Hope you have a great Leap Day! =0

P.S. Thanks for voting

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