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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Photostory Friday~ A Mother's Love

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Awhile back I featured some photos I took of a Senior boy. That photo shoot meant a lot to me in many ways. Not only did I get the chance to see my vision come to light, I was able to capture these special photos for my good friend. Kim is someone that I admire greatly. She is a wonderful person, mother, and friend. Years ago, she stepped up and provided me with unconditional support when I needed it most. I will be forever grateful for our friendship.


Taking photos of her with her son was a joy. While editing these, I could not wipe the smile off my face. We are relatively the same age, so it is a real hoot for me that she has a child in his Senior year. It's okay though....she also has a child that is a year younger than Sugar Bear.....and 5 more in between.


During the photo shoot we had to get the uncomfortableness out of the way... and it led to giggles....


and laughs......


Which finally led to natural smiles.


Then they were at ease, and I could capture the more serious side of their relationship.


And no matter how big they get.....they are still our babies!


Happy Friday to you all! Have a great weekend!

36 Live It or Love It:

tiarastantrums said...

love these - the last one the most - and yes, they will always be babies to u Mommas!

Chris said...

PIctures (and moments) like these are why cameras were invented. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be the first! Oh well. These are awesome pics and I totally agree with what you said about Kim...she is a true friend, unconditionally. We are lucky to have her in our lives. But we wouldn't want it to go to her head. :) See ya at work. -Heather

Anonymous said...

What a treasure for them! I love the photos.

Cecily R said...

Corey, you keep getting better and better! These are fabulous!!!

Juliana said...

wow...those are amazing shots. you capture the great moments

Mine : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit also. Thanks

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Those are such sweet photos and they made me tear up a bit, especially that last one. :')

Gayle said...

Man, that last one really shows the depth of her love and how comforting she is to him. Wonderful job. You are a great photographer!

Anonymous said...

Those are such good pictures!

AnnD said...

I just love those photo! Love isn't even a good word. They are superb! What a great kid he is to pose for those...I guess that means she must be a great mom to have made such a great kid!

Providence Handmade said...

Those are phenomenal, Corey! They made me all teary - to imagine that one day my boys will be that big! Awesome job, mama.

Texasholly said...

These are awesome. I love the look of their relationship.

Your photos are great.

Thanks so much for contacting me...I am emailing you in a few minutes!!!

Wendy said...

Okay, I am a sappy mom which children who have graduated and these photos did make me tear up. Teenages usually have such a hard time with photos with their parents as is evident in that first shot. But, you must be amazing because the shots you captured were exceptional. You did capture this woman's spirit! And her son really stepped up to the plate didn't he! He will cherish these pictures also!

tammi said...

Those are such beautiful photos!! You did a wonderful job of capturing their personalities. (And I LOVE your header picture, too!!)

Autumn said...

These pictures made me smile. You captured their relationship perfectly.

Susie said...

Happy Friday to you! These pics are awesome Corey--really awesome! Great PSF!

Storytellin' Mama said...

What great emotional depth... a gift your friend will be able to treasure forever!!

I really teared up at these shots too.

AutoSysGene said...

Those deserve a frame and a wall. Beautiful shots...all of them!

Anonymous said...

These are absolutley beautiful! I have a teenage son, I would love pictures of us like these. What a great keepsake for them.

Thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm so glad you did because I love yours, it's a new favorite.

Tabitha Blue said...

Aw, such sweet photos together. Good job.

Steph said...

Oh, love these! You are a wonderful photographer! The last one brought me to very sweet!
Yes, they will always be our babies...

photomommy said...

Those are so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! I loe seeing how their expressions evolved.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous gorgeous pictures. I am sure she treasures them.

Weeksie50 said...

I love these. Great shots..

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

These were both beautiful shots and memoris Corey, she definitely sounds like a keeper!

And I DIG these railroad backdrops.

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love this series!! You've captured such a special moment :)

tommie said...

How fun! Those are great shots of them.

Killlashandra said...

Your shots you posted earlier were so great and these just make that shoot so special. I'm so glad you were able to do this and the b/w are just too perfect. :)

Christina said...

Oh Corey, these are wonderful - both the images and the words!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

What wonderful moments you captured for them!

CC said...

These are so awesome! I'm envisioning this being me and my son in the future.... (I hope!)

Rachel said...

Corey, those are amazing.

That last one is definitely my favorite but they are all wonderful.

You are both truly blessed.

Maude Lynn said...

What sweet, sweet pictures! You really did a fabulous job.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Corey, I love these but the last one especially, and wow, she's a supermum isn't she? And she looks fantastic on it.

Michelle said...

those are some great mother/son pictures!

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