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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Photostory Friday~ My love of Macro

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

It was this time last year, that I gifted myself with my 100mm Macro lens.  This is one of the the very first photos I took with that lens.  I wanted to share it today, to celebrate a year or looking at my world in a much different way.  I love being able to capture the tiny bits of beauty that surrounds me.  I cherish how this lens gives me the ability to CHOOSE to look a little closer.  Certainly, ones life can only be brightened by such an amazing opportunity.


May your Friday find you willing to open your eyes to the greatness we are so privileged to be a part of.  I'd love to receive some suggestions on what you might like to see "close up".  Have a great weekend!

18 Live It or Love It:

Janet said...

Oh my word! That is amazing! I am no photographer at all, and have a silly little Canon something or other, but you girls inspire me so!!
What a stunning photograph!

Rachel said...

That is just beautiful Corey. Wow.

I'm going to attempt to do some close ups of Christmas Ornaments and whatnot this year! Here's to hoping!!

I wish we got ice and snow down here because I'd love good pics of that!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Drool!!! Love it! I find a macro lens to be the best way to look at the world. I can't wait to get mine.

As for suggestions, I am not sure it's even been done, but maybe snow. I mean if you can get close enough and such, it should break down to a million awesome snowflakes right? Maybe, who knows! THanks for sharing!

Cecily R said...

That is GORGEOUS. I love seeing things through you lens!!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

Wow...that really is a stunning picture!

Nice PhotoStory Friday!!


Anonymous said...


Christina said...

Gorgeous image!! I long for a macro lens. It was almost exactly one year ago that I got my camera!

Anonymous said...

absolutely stunning Corey!

Anonymous said...

I love the great shots you get with a nice camera, a good lens, and a great eye. Well, done!

Chris said...

I love coming here. Your pictures just come right off the screen and smack me in the face - you know, in a good way.
That shot convinces me more than ever that I need a macro lens. Do you mind if I ask what you paid for the lens?

tommie said...

That is simply gorgeous!

A macro lens is on my wishlist.

Tabitha Blue said...

Love the photo, and the story that goes along with it!!! So wonderful :)

tiarastantrums said...

oh man - I want that lens too!

Donetta said...

Hay, Good to hear from you. I trust sugar is well. Do you ever consider a hunt for texture, odd amazing textures.
This is so dynamic in the varied forms and light/shadow. Texture here is way complex in its variance.

Susie said...

Dear Santa,
Please bring me a new digital camera with an AWESOME lens just like Corey's. I've been a good girl I swear.

When I saw the little drop of water on the branch I got chills!

Maude Lynn said...

Your pictures make me want a Macro!

Aunt Julie said...

The photo of Sticker Girl made me think. What about a series of close-ups of different kinds/colors of eyes? Different colors, different heritages, a bird's eyes, a cat's eyes, a frog's eyes...would it be difficult to get a squirrel's eyes? They're pretty hard to pin down...

Anonymous said...

That is GORGEOUS. I'm a huge fan of water photos.

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