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Sunday, December 30, 2012

52 Weeks of Me 2012~ Week 52

YES!  I made it.  I finished another year of this project.  Whew....It wasn't easy.  I lost all interest a little over a month ago.  My blog has been neglected.....and I just haven't felt like being here.  I'm enjoying Blipfoto very much though.  Here is a link to my journal there:

The last theme of the year was: Celebrate

For probably the first time EVER, we were home on Christmas Eve with no company and no place to be.  It was a wonderfully relaxing day.  My Sugar Bear and I head out to a local State Park to see the holiday lights to celebrate Christmas Eve together.  It was such a treat.  Sugar Bear took the last photo of me for the year. 

Dec 24 2012_0127efb

After two years of this project, I'd say that it was a success. I have an amazing amount of photos of myself for my Sugar Bear to cherish when she is older. She will be able to look back and remember her mama being there. :) This isn't the end of photos of me, though. It has become a bit of a habit to get shots of me now. I'm grateful for this. I let go of looking perfect in photos...and just allow them to look like I am.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and I look forward to the New Year.

4 Live It or Love It:

Arizaphale said...

Great job Corey, and what a beautiful shot to end it on. The boke is great!!! (is that what it's called?)
You may have 'let go of being perfect' but you always seem to brush up just fine in your photos. Natural beauty!
Happy New Year!

Cara said...

Great job Corey. You really did a great job keeping it going. I never finished the first year and hardly took any photos this year. Now that the baby is here I need to get back on my blog and behind my camera.

I love the bokeh in this shot!

Gayle said...

Ahhh... I and was going to take photos of myself for the kids as well, but never did. Dumpy and fat... I'd just soon they didn't remember that! You'll have to post a Sugar Bear photo just to catch me up. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I miss you! Hope you're doing well...

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